Jason Grimshaw
Jason Grimshaw, is a fictional character
in the UK television ITV
soap opera
, Coronation Street
. Portrayed by actor
Ryan Thomas
, the character first appeared during the episode airing on 25 December 2000, when he comes looking for mother Eileen
(Sue Cleaver
) at the Battersbys' home.
Jason is very much the opposite of half brother Todd
. He is very self-centred and lacks forethought. He is also quite bigoted, being strongly homophobic and seeing infidelity on the part of men as just a bit of fun. Jason is the son of Eileen Grimshaw
and a man called Tony, but for many years didn't know his dad.
Upon his arrival on the Street with his family he was as aspiring runner something which Eileen didn't completely approve of. He worked for a brief period in Sally Webster's hardware shop in 2001 until the failing business went up on fire. He was the one to discover a traumatised Toyah Battersby lying in the ginnel following her rape in April 2001 when he was out jogging early one morning. Although Jason has had many girlfriends, all of them have been quite short-lived since he is commitment-phobic and insatiable with his sexual desires. He has had romantic/sexual relationships with such Street residents as Candice Stowe and Sarah Louise Platt. On Christmas Day 2006, a baby was left on the doorstep of the Grimshaw's, the baby was apparently the product of a one-night stand between Jason and her mother, Emma.
Despite his homophobia, Jason stuck by Todd when others, such as Gail Platt, persecuted him because of him being gay. Despite later on being involved with Sarah Louise, Jason never got on with Gail and even though his mother Eileen is now friends with Gail, Jason still hates her.
(Sally Dynevor)'s electrical shop in 2001 until the failing business catches fire and is permanently closed down. He is the one to discover a traumatised Toyah Battersby (Georgia Taylor
) lying in the ginnel, following her rape in April 2001, when he is out jogging early one morning. Although Jason has had many girlfriends, all of them were short-lived since he is commitment-phobic. He has had romantic relationships with street residents, Candice Stowe (Nikki Sanderson
) and Sarah-Louise Platt
(Tina O'Brien
). He seems to have settled down with Violet Wilson
(Jenny Platt
), even uncharacteristically promising to look after her when he thinks that she is pregnant. However, they split up after he is unable to cope with her confession that she shared a drunken kiss with his friend Charlie Stubbs (Bill Ward
). While they are apart, he begins seeing Sarah and continues the affair even after he and Violet reunite. Eventually Violet finds out and dumps Jason.
He continues dating Sarah, much to the dismay of their mothers. Their relationship is rocky as Sarah feels insecure about his relationship with Violet and the fact he proposed to her while with was still with her. This leads to a showdown in which Sarah dumps Jason in the Rovers by throwing his pint over his head. After days of bickering, Jason decides to win Sarah back, and after she refuses to speak to him, Jason breaks into her house and asks her to marry him. She accepts, although they have a cool reception from their mothers. They announce their engagement in the Rovers in front of Violet, which Sarah wants to do to make a point. The wedding, though, is a disaster. Jason decides it isn't for him, and escapes through a toilet window at the venue, leaving Sarah heartbroken. After months of ignoring him because of this, she slowly starts to come round and begins seeing him again. However, on Christmas Day 2006, Jason has a major surprise delivered to the front door in the shape of a baby - his little girl by a young woman called Emma (Stephanie Waring
Jason marries Sarah on Halloween, 2007. David invites Jason's brother, Todd, (also Sarah's ex and the father of her deceased son, Billy) to the wedding, hoping to cause havoc. However, this backfires and things look too good for the big day. David - in a further attempt to sabotage the wedding - fakes a suicide while the ceremony is in progress, but Sarah insists that they carry on regardless. David's fake suicide attempt puts Jason and Sarah's marriage on the rocks. Gail lets David move back home and the couple's honeymoon is cut short. Sarah knows that it is just a stunt to ruin the wedding but Jason doesn't believe it. In November 2007, Jason is meant to take Sarah's wedding dress to the cleaners but accidentally leaves it in Roy's Rolls where David picks it up. He puts it in a puddle before placing it in a bin bag with the other bits and pieces that the Morton kids get from their neighbours. The Mortons' Guy Fawkes gets first prize and whilst being burnt Sarah recognises her wedding dress before Jason admits that he accidentally lost it somewhere. Sarah knows immediately that this is David's doing. Jason, Sarah and her daughter Bethany (Amy & Emily Walton) are set to leave for Milan on December 30, 2007, after Sarah gets a job from her uncle Stephen (Todd Boyce). Jason backs out, leaving Sarah and Bethany to go alone, when Sarah admits that she had planted the drugs in David's drawer at the salon, thereby ruining his chances of Stephen offering him the job in Milan.
On New Year's Eve 2007, Jason and Becky Granger (Katherine Kelly
) share a lingering kiss as the midnight chimes ring, and on 1 February 2008, they sleep together. Jason regrets it the next morning and goes to see Sarah in Milan, to tell her he slept with Becky. Instead of forgiving him, she gives him a black eye. When he returns to the Street, Becky hits him too.
Several months later, after some flirting, Jason and Becky sleep together again and they become a couple. However, they argue when Jason wants to have a night in alone. In October 2008, Jason discovers that Sarah is thinking about coming home. He immediately phones her and she agrees to give him another chance. Meanwhile, he is preparing to move in with Becky but he dumps her and flys off to Italy. Becky later attacks him in the Rovers for his betrayal. Everything backfires for Jason when he subsequently discovers that Sarah has decided to reconcile with her Italian boyfriend, just as he is going to Milan to meet her. On 16 February 2009, Jason and Becky get back together after revealing that he and Sarah are in the middle of a divorce. To prove to Becky, he is serious this time, he proposes and she accepts. Unfortunately, Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson
) also proposes to Becky and although she initially decides to marry Jason, she realises she can't go through with it and calls off the engagement. In June 2009, Jason begins a relationship with Tina McIntyre
(Michelle Keegan
) after her bitter break-up with ex-boyfriend David. However, when Tina tells David the truth about her and Jason, he turns nasty and starts throwing bricks at Jason. Jason fights back and the pair have to be separated by the locals. Tina and Jason buy No. 12a Coronation Street and move in together in July 2009. Jason and Tina then redecorate the flat and hold a house-warming party in September 2009. Then in November 2009, a loan shark named Rick Neelan expresses fake interest in buying the flat, when in reality, he is waiting for Tina's father Joe
(Reece Dinsdale
) to pay the debts he owes him. Before Christmas 2009, Tina and Jason row after it is discovered that Jason is still legally married to Sarah, in retaliation; she goes out on the town and kisses Nick Tilsley
(Ben Price
) his brother-in-law.
They reconcile however, and in January 2010, when Joe and Gail go on their honeymoon, he asks Jason to look out for Tina, who is in trouble due to the loan sharks. On 12 February 2010, Jason gives Tina a Valentine's Day
present of his divorce papers to Sarah. Tina thinks that is her full Valentine's Day present and goes to get alcohol to celebrate. When she returns, Jason proposes to her after she has seen the ring and she accepts. However, following the sudden death of Joe, Tina, unable to cope with her grief, breaks up with Jason and he moves out of the flat, though reclaims it.
When Jason learns that Tina is now seeing Graeme Proctor
, he is angered that they were seeing each other when they were still together and locks Tina out of the flat. Then, he teams up with David (who was Graeme's best friend) to humiliate Tina and Graeme further; first by David using Graeme's clothes to mop up water (Graeme had handcuffed David to the Platt's radiator, who then pulled it off) and then cutting the hoods off his hoodies, as well as cutting the peaks off his caps; then, Jason throws binbags of Tina's clothes on top of her from the house's windows, all in front of a crowd. Satisfied, David and Jason end their partnership, but remain close friends
On 24th September 2010, Jason is recruited by a half naked Rosie Webster
to drive her in Kevin
's car to Sheffield to pick up Sophie
(Brooke Vincent
) and her girlfriend Sian
(Sacha Parkinson
) after they ran away together. Immediately, there is a fiery chemistry between the pair; on the 18th October, Rosie books with Owen
for a builder to come round and redocorate the kitchen after the oven catches on fire, whilst Sally and Kevin are away. On the 21st, whilst Jason is busy with the Webster's kitchen, and Rosie is running around for a cab to take her to an important modelling job, she happens to mention that it is 'underwear modelling', so Jason immediately offers to be her driver. With Jason not knowing what a 'green screen' is and the male model going AWOL, Rosie volunteers Jason to step in, and the pair complete the photoshoot together; with Jason looking very pleased with himself, once they return home, they end up sleeping together. The next day Jason seems to think he has done something wrong, with Rosie being avasive and not paying him the money for the work he done on the kitchen; she eventually coughs up the money and he buys her a 'fake' version of the hanbag that she dreamt of having and the pair have another steamy session, resulting in them becoming a couple.
When the Joinery bar exploded, bringing a tram off the viaduct which smashes into the Corner Shop and the Kabin, Jason assists with helping everyone and his finest act of the night is venturing into No.13 (which is in flames) to find Simon Barlow
(Alex Bain
). He finds him in a closet upstairs and they both get out with help from the fire department. Upon escaping, he is thanked gratefully by the Barlow family and praised by the residents for his act of courage. With Jason and Rosie living together, they both tackle the new year looking out for Sophie and Sian as they get kicked out of the Websters. When Graeme convinces Claire to run away, after the truth could be revealed, about her hammering Tracy Barlow, Jason helps her and her boys to escape and drives her to the airport, on the 14th January. On the 17th January, Eileen's money troubles, get a lot worse, and number 11 starts to crumble to pieces around her; she seeks help from an insurance firm, however, when Jason spots a man lurking around the back of the house, he thinks he is trying to spy on a half naked Rosie, and punches him to the ground. Only to immediately discover that he is the insurance salesman, which of course, affects the result and Eileen can't claim a penny.
On the 4th February, after Rosie agrees to go to a 'mother and baby' photo shoot, which 'pays a fortune' and they manage to convince Kevin to borrow baby Jack for the day, disaster strikes when the mix up the car seats, and bring home a baby girl. Jason spots the mistake, and just as they are about to swap back the babies, Kevin walks in and demands the truth. Jason reveals the truth and Kevin goes back out to find him. He finds Jack, but warns Rosie to stay away from him, expressing his disappointment in her. Despite this, Jason is good friends with Kevin and supports him when he wins £200,000 on a scratchcard
. When Kev is nearly crushed to death at the garage when his new car ramp malfunctions (Kevin's work colleague Tyrone Dobbs
(Alan Halsall
) had attacked it in a rage and unintentionally damaged it), Jason joins Rosie and her family at the hospital. Kevin orders Jason to call the ramp manufacturers and find the fault, threaten legal action if he has to. When it's revealed that the ramp was damaged on purpose, Jason is shocked and disgusted that someone would try to kill Kevin.
In June, Jason celebrates his 28th birthday and Becky hosts a party for him in the Rovers. However, she orders a stripper and the party turns to all-out mayhem when Chris Gray (Will Thorp
) has a go at Frank Foster
(Andrew Lancel
). A fight breaks out between them and this leads to a whole-pub brawl, with Jason caught in the midst, things sent flying, the brawl going onto the street and a chair smashing the window. Though Jason is shaken, he is perfectly fine.
In November 2011, Rosie tells Jason that she is showing a potential buyer around their flat (which they are selling), but unknown to Rosie and Jason, the mystery buyer is actually Rosie's ex-kidnapper John Stape
(Graeme Hawley
) who has returned to kidnap Rosie as he blames her for his wife Fiz Stape (Jenny McAlpine)'s imprisonment for his crimes. Rosie and Jason have a brief argument which leads to her storming off to show 'Mr Chips' around the flat. Meanwhile, Jason informs Kevin that Rosie never returned from the flat-viewing and he is concerned. Jason and Kevin hear Rosie's screams and find her bound and gagged in the flat,and Kevin chases after John, who then crashes his car and dies. Jason apologises to Rosie for abandoning her and says he'll never do it again.
soap Coronation Street
, and that Ryan Thomas
and Bruno Langley
will play brothers originally Jason was called James and Todd Grimshaw
, 17 and 15 year-old sons of Streetcars controller Eileen
. The family will move into Liz
and Jim McDonald
's old house from next week.
Producers hope the lads will achieve the same heartthrob status as Adam Rickitt
, who played Nick Tilsley
for two years before leaving to pursue a pop career. "We thought it was time for some good looking boys," said a spokeswoman.
He continued seeing Sarah, much to the dismay of their mothers. Their relationship remained rocky as Sarah still felt insecure over his relationship with Violet and the fact he proposed to her while still with Sarah. This led to a furious showdown in which Sarah publicly dumped Jason in the Rovers by throwing his pint over his head. After only days of bickering, Jason decided to win Sarah back, and after she refused to speak to him, Jason drastically broke into her house and asked her to marry him. She accepted, although they had a cool reception from both their mothers. They announced their engagement in the Rovers in front of Violet, which Sarah had wanted to do to make a point.
The wedding though was a disaster. Jason decided it wasn't for him, and escaped through the Registry Office toilet window, leaving Sarah heartbroken. After months of ignoring him because of his actions, she slowly started to come round and began seeing him again. But on Christmas Day 2006, Jason had a major surprise delivered to the front door in the shape of a baby - his little girl, Holly by a young woman called Emma.
In early 2001, Jason began dating Sarah Platt, they had a on off relationship and were due to marry in 2006. Speaking of the storyline Thomas said: "Jason was thinking about getting married in four years rather than four months. It was just a gesture, and that’s all he wanted it to be. He thought they would just get engaged and they didn’t have to get married for ages yet. It was more of a stepping stone for him. It has come round quickly for Jason, and he is sort of being pushed into it. He doesn’t want to lose Sarah so he is going along with it because he does actually love her." Asked if Jason would settle down Thomas also said: "He's had a bit of a past and he's a bit of a Jack The Lad around Charlie but on this occasion, for once, he's actually showing some grown-up qualities and, when faced with the prospect of losing Sarah, he chose to bite the bullet."There's no grey area with Jason because there's not that much grey matter! Everything's in black and white. It's either marry Sarah and keep her or don't marry Sarah and lose her forever." Speaking about if Jason will also be able to handle Bethany, Thomas said: "He certainly will – he pulls her to one side during the ceremony and makes her a pledge. He realises he can't have Sarah without Beth – they come as a package."
The storyline resulted in Jason leaving Sarah and also resulted in Sarah leaving the street for a new life abroad with Beth. leaving Jason alone and upset.
In 2008, Jason began dating Becky Granger, speaking of the storyline actress Katherine Kelly
said: It's all her dreams come true. When she first arrived on the Street, she was homeless – that was the only definition of Becky I got when I originally landed the part. To go from the old fingerless gloves to setting up a flat with Jason, the fittest guy on the Street, it's the best life has ever been for her." "She absolutely believes that she's 100% in love with him. I see it as a very teenage relationship because of the on-off status. Becky's very mature in many ways - she's very streetwise and if you needed something, you'd go to Becky and she'd find it for you. But emotionally, she's very immature. That's a lot to do with why she gets on so well with Roy because he's quite emotionally immature, too. It's probably the one level that they do connect on."
In 2009, Jason began dating David Platt
's ex girlfriend Tina McIntyre, speaking of the storyline Thomas said: "I just thought it was really good for their storylines because I knew it'd bring the Platts and the Grimshaws back together in their usual warring ways. Who could forget the famous fight on the cobbles between Gail and Eileen? I think at some point that'll come again. There's always banter from one side of the Street to the other." Asked what attracts Tina to Jason, Thomas replied: "I think it's because she's quite full-on with Jason. She made a big effort with him in the beginning, so he just played off that and spiced up his life a bit in the process. He wanted a bit more fun than just sitting there having a pint in The Rovers every day." It all came a little out of the blue, didn't it? "Yeah, Jason completely wasn't aware that Tina fancied him. She had to come onto him to make him realise, but as soon as he got the sign, he was in there! It doesn't take him long to get his pants off! I think Jason was playing with the situation a bit as well to see what he could get out of her. When he started getting the right signals, he just thought 'I might as well have a go'. They seem to be very happy at the moment."
In 2010, Jason began a relationship with Rosie Webster
, teasing the storyline, Thomas said: "It's going to be a very feisty, sexy relationship between the two characters." Asked if the Jason and Rosie (Helen Flanagan
) pairing could work, Thomas admitted that with Jason's track record anything could happen. In October 2010, Flanagan commented on the storyline: ""Trust the writers to give it to me! I didn't have time to worry about it - or hit the gym! Ryan and I are like brother and sister so the first kiss was weird, but once we got that out of the way it was fine. "It wasn't as passionate as it looked as Ryan was in agony from an infected tooth. But I'm glad Rosie has got a boyfriend - it shows she has a heart."
Fictional character
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...
in the UK television ITV
ITV is the major commercial public service TV network in the United Kingdom. Launched in 1955 under the auspices of the Independent Television Authority to provide competition to the BBC, it is also the oldest commercial network in the UK...
soap opera
Soap opera
A soap opera, sometimes called "soap" for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on radio or as television programming. The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers, such as Procter & Gamble,...
, Coronation Street
Coronation Street
Coronation Street is a British soap opera set in Weatherfield, a fictional town in Greater Manchester based on Salford. Created by Tony Warren, Coronation Street was first broadcast on 9 December 1960...
. Portrayed by actor
An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...
Ryan Thomas
Ryan Thomas
Ryan James Thomas and is an English actor who is currently starring as the character, Jason Grimshaw on ITV's Coronation Street.-Career:...
, the character first appeared during the episode airing on 25 December 2000, when he comes looking for mother Eileen
Eileen Grimshaw
Eileen Grimshaw, is a fictional character in the UK television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. Portrayed by Sue Cleaver, the character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on 3 May 2000....
(Sue Cleaver
Sue Cleaver
Sue Cleaver is an English actress. She is best known for her regular role in Coronation Street.She studied at the Manchester Metropolitan School of Theatre and her first television appearance was a small part in an episode of A Touch of Frost...
) at the Battersbys' home.
Jason is very much the opposite of half brother Todd
Todd Grimshaw
Todd James Grimshaw is a fictional character from the British television soap opera Coronation Street, played by Bruno Langley. He originally appeared from 13 January 2001 till 22 September 2004 and returned for a brief stint in from 15 October 2007 till 7 November 2007...
. He is very self-centred and lacks forethought. He is also quite bigoted, being strongly homophobic and seeing infidelity on the part of men as just a bit of fun. Jason is the son of Eileen Grimshaw
Eileen Grimshaw
Eileen Grimshaw, is a fictional character in the UK television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. Portrayed by Sue Cleaver, the character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on 3 May 2000....
and a man called Tony, but for many years didn't know his dad.
Upon his arrival on the Street with his family he was as aspiring runner something which Eileen didn't completely approve of. He worked for a brief period in Sally Webster's hardware shop in 2001 until the failing business went up on fire. He was the one to discover a traumatised Toyah Battersby lying in the ginnel following her rape in April 2001 when he was out jogging early one morning. Although Jason has had many girlfriends, all of them have been quite short-lived since he is commitment-phobic and insatiable with his sexual desires. He has had romantic/sexual relationships with such Street residents as Candice Stowe and Sarah Louise Platt. On Christmas Day 2006, a baby was left on the doorstep of the Grimshaw's, the baby was apparently the product of a one-night stand between Jason and her mother, Emma.
Despite his homophobia, Jason stuck by Todd when others, such as Gail Platt, persecuted him because of him being gay. Despite later on being involved with Sarah Louise, Jason never got on with Gail and even though his mother Eileen is now friends with Gail, Jason still hates her.
Jason is the son of Eileen Grimshaw and Tony Stewart, but for many years doesn't know his father, he is later reunited with him in 2003. Upon his arrival, he is an aspiring runner - something which Eileen doesn't completely approve of. He works for a brief period in Sally WebsterSally Webster
Sally Webster is a fictional character in the UK television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. Portrayed by actress Sally Dynevor, the character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on 27 January 1986.-Casting:...
(Sally Dynevor)'s electrical shop in 2001 until the failing business catches fire and is permanently closed down. He is the one to discover a traumatised Toyah Battersby (Georgia Taylor
Georgia Taylor
Georgia Taylor is an English actress, known for her role as Toyah Battersby in Coronation Street and currently for playing Ruth Winters on Casualty. She was born in Wigan, Greater Manchester....
) lying in the ginnel, following her rape in April 2001, when he is out jogging early one morning. Although Jason has had many girlfriends, all of them were short-lived since he is commitment-phobic. He has had romantic relationships with street residents, Candice Stowe (Nikki Sanderson
Nikki Sanderson
Nikki Ann Sanderson is an English actress and glamour model who is best known for playing Candice Stowe in the television soap opera Coronation Street and Dawn Bellamy in ITV's Heartbeat...
) and Sarah-Louise Platt
Sarah-Louise Grimshaw
Sarah-Louise Platt is a fictional character in the British soap opera Coronation Street.-Creation and development:...
(Tina O'Brien
Tina O'Brien
Tina O'Brien is an English actress. She is best known for playing the role of Sarah-Louise Platt in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street.-Acting career:...
). He seems to have settled down with Violet Wilson
Violet Wilson
Violet Wilson is a fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street. She was portrayed by Jenny Platt making her first onscreen appearance on 8 October 2004 and remained until 29 February 2008. Platt returned for one episode on 24 April 2011.-2004–11:Violet first appeared on the...
(Jenny Platt
Jenny Platt
Jenny Platt is an English actress best known for her role as Violet Wilson in the long running television soap Coronation Street. Her first appearance was on 8 October 2004....
), even uncharacteristically promising to look after her when he thinks that she is pregnant. However, they split up after he is unable to cope with her confession that she shared a drunken kiss with his friend Charlie Stubbs (Bill Ward
Bill Ward (actor)
Bill Ward is an English actor who played Charlie Stubbs in Coronation Street.-Biography:He completed a degree in History at Bristol University. He is a former advertising executive. After Coronation Street, he had a role in the ITV series Cold Blood with Pauline Quirke...
). While they are apart, he begins seeing Sarah and continues the affair even after he and Violet reunite. Eventually Violet finds out and dumps Jason.
He continues dating Sarah, much to the dismay of their mothers. Their relationship is rocky as Sarah feels insecure about his relationship with Violet and the fact he proposed to her while with was still with her. This leads to a showdown in which Sarah dumps Jason in the Rovers by throwing his pint over his head. After days of bickering, Jason decides to win Sarah back, and after she refuses to speak to him, Jason breaks into her house and asks her to marry him. She accepts, although they have a cool reception from their mothers. They announce their engagement in the Rovers in front of Violet, which Sarah wants to do to make a point. The wedding, though, is a disaster. Jason decides it isn't for him, and escapes through a toilet window at the venue, leaving Sarah heartbroken. After months of ignoring him because of this, she slowly starts to come round and begins seeing him again. However, on Christmas Day 2006, Jason has a major surprise delivered to the front door in the shape of a baby - his little girl by a young woman called Emma (Stephanie Waring
Stephanie Waring
Stephanie Waring Stephanie Waring Stephanie Waring (born 19 February 1978; Urmston, Greater Manchester, England is an English actress, best known for portraying Cindy Cunningham in the early evening soap opera Hollyoaks.-Personal life:...
Jason marries Sarah on Halloween, 2007. David invites Jason's brother, Todd, (also Sarah's ex and the father of her deceased son, Billy) to the wedding, hoping to cause havoc. However, this backfires and things look too good for the big day. David - in a further attempt to sabotage the wedding - fakes a suicide while the ceremony is in progress, but Sarah insists that they carry on regardless. David's fake suicide attempt puts Jason and Sarah's marriage on the rocks. Gail lets David move back home and the couple's honeymoon is cut short. Sarah knows that it is just a stunt to ruin the wedding but Jason doesn't believe it. In November 2007, Jason is meant to take Sarah's wedding dress to the cleaners but accidentally leaves it in Roy's Rolls where David picks it up. He puts it in a puddle before placing it in a bin bag with the other bits and pieces that the Morton kids get from their neighbours. The Mortons' Guy Fawkes gets first prize and whilst being burnt Sarah recognises her wedding dress before Jason admits that he accidentally lost it somewhere. Sarah knows immediately that this is David's doing. Jason, Sarah and her daughter Bethany (Amy & Emily Walton) are set to leave for Milan on December 30, 2007, after Sarah gets a job from her uncle Stephen (Todd Boyce). Jason backs out, leaving Sarah and Bethany to go alone, when Sarah admits that she had planted the drugs in David's drawer at the salon, thereby ruining his chances of Stephen offering him the job in Milan.
On New Year's Eve 2007, Jason and Becky Granger (Katherine Kelly
Katherine Kelly (actress)
Katherine Kelly, is a British actress and recording artist who is most well known for playing Becky McDonald in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street. She has also starred in the film Mischief Night.-Early life and career:...
) share a lingering kiss as the midnight chimes ring, and on 1 February 2008, they sleep together. Jason regrets it the next morning and goes to see Sarah in Milan, to tell her he slept with Becky. Instead of forgiving him, she gives him a black eye. When he returns to the Street, Becky hits him too.
Several months later, after some flirting, Jason and Becky sleep together again and they become a couple. However, they argue when Jason wants to have a night in alone. In October 2008, Jason discovers that Sarah is thinking about coming home. He immediately phones her and she agrees to give him another chance. Meanwhile, he is preparing to move in with Becky but he dumps her and flys off to Italy. Becky later attacks him in the Rovers for his betrayal. Everything backfires for Jason when he subsequently discovers that Sarah has decided to reconcile with her Italian boyfriend, just as he is going to Milan to meet her. On 16 February 2009, Jason and Becky get back together after revealing that he and Sarah are in the middle of a divorce. To prove to Becky, he is serious this time, he proposes and she accepts. Unfortunately, Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson
Simon Gregson
Simon Gregson is an English actor. He is known for being a cast member of the British soap opera Coronation Street in which he has played Steve McDonald since 1989....
) also proposes to Becky and although she initially decides to marry Jason, she realises she can't go through with it and calls off the engagement. In June 2009, Jason begins a relationship with Tina McIntyre
Tina McIntyre
Tina McIntyre is a fictional character in the British ITV soap opera Coronation Street. Portrayed by actress Michelle Keegan, the character first appeared on screen during the episode airing on 7 January 2008...
(Michelle Keegan
Michelle Keegan
Michelle Elizabeth Keegan is an English actress who currently plays Tina McIntyre in the soap opera Coronation Street.-Biography:...
) after her bitter break-up with ex-boyfriend David. However, when Tina tells David the truth about her and Jason, he turns nasty and starts throwing bricks at Jason. Jason fights back and the pair have to be separated by the locals. Tina and Jason buy No. 12a Coronation Street and move in together in July 2009. Jason and Tina then redecorate the flat and hold a house-warming party in September 2009. Then in November 2009, a loan shark named Rick Neelan expresses fake interest in buying the flat, when in reality, he is waiting for Tina's father Joe
Joe McIntyre (Coronation Street)
Joseph "Joe" McIntyre was a fictional character in the UK television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. The character was portrayed by actor Reece Dinsdale. Joe was introduced as the father of Tina McIntyre, and made his first appearing onscreen during the episode that aired in the UK on May 26, 2008...
(Reece Dinsdale
Reece Dinsdale
Reece Dinsdale is an English actor of stage, screen and television.-Acting career:He trained at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama from 1977 until 1980...
) to pay the debts he owes him. Before Christmas 2009, Tina and Jason row after it is discovered that Jason is still legally married to Sarah, in retaliation; she goes out on the town and kisses Nick Tilsley
Nick Tilsley
Nicholas Paul "Nick" Tilsley is a fictional character in the British soap opera Coronation Street. Originally known as "Nicky", he was the first-born child of Brian Tilsley and Gail Platt , and has been portrayed by three different actors. Warren Jackson from 1981 to 1996, then by Adam Rickitt...
(Ben Price
Ben Price
Ben Price is a British actor, best known for playing the third incarnation of Nick Tilsley in the ITV soap opera, Coronation Street...
) his brother-in-law.
They reconcile however, and in January 2010, when Joe and Gail go on their honeymoon, he asks Jason to look out for Tina, who is in trouble due to the loan sharks. On 12 February 2010, Jason gives Tina a Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day
Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine, and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496...
present of his divorce papers to Sarah. Tina thinks that is her full Valentine's Day present and goes to get alcohol to celebrate. When she returns, Jason proposes to her after she has seen the ring and she accepts. However, following the sudden death of Joe, Tina, unable to cope with her grief, breaks up with Jason and he moves out of the flat, though reclaims it.
When Jason learns that Tina is now seeing Graeme Proctor
Graeme Proctor
Graeme Proctor is a fictional character in the UK television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. Portrayed by actor Craig Gazey, the character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on 18 April 2008....
, he is angered that they were seeing each other when they were still together and locks Tina out of the flat. Then, he teams up with David (who was Graeme's best friend) to humiliate Tina and Graeme further; first by David using Graeme's clothes to mop up water (Graeme had handcuffed David to the Platt's radiator, who then pulled it off) and then cutting the hoods off his hoodies, as well as cutting the peaks off his caps; then, Jason throws binbags of Tina's clothes on top of her from the house's windows, all in front of a crowd. Satisfied, David and Jason end their partnership, but remain close friends
On 24th September 2010, Jason is recruited by a half naked Rosie Webster
Rosie Webster
Rosie Webster is a fictional character in the British television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. The character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on 24 December 1990. Originally portrayed by actress Emma Collinge from her birth until December 1999, the character has since been...
to drive her in Kevin
Kevin Webster
Kevin John Webster is a long-standing fictional character in the UK television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. Portrayed by actor Michael Le Vell, the character first appeared onscreen on 19 October 1983...
's car to Sheffield to pick up Sophie
Sophie Webster
Sophie Lauren Webster is a fictional character in the British television ITV soap opera Coronation Street. She is currently portrayed by actress Brooke Vincent, after previously being portrayed by both Ashleigh Middleton and Emma Woodward. The character first appeared onscreen during the episode...
(Brooke Vincent
Brooke Vincent
Brooke Levi Vincent is an actress in the British soap opera Coronation Street. She joined the soap in 2004, taking over from Emma Woodward in the role of Sophie Webster.- Career :...
) and her girlfriend Sian
Sian Powers
Sian Powers is a fictional character on the UK soap opera Coronation Street, portrayed by actress Sacha Parkinson. Sian was introduced as a love interest for Sophie Webster . Sian joined the cast of Coronation Street alongside Ben Richardson in early 2009 as Sophie's schoolmates...
(Sacha Parkinson
Sacha Parkinson
Sacha Louise Parkinson is a British actress best known for playing Sian Powers in the ITV1 soap opera Coronation Street from January 2009 onwards. Her character will leave the show in January 2012.-Career:...
) after they ran away together. Immediately, there is a fiery chemistry between the pair; on the 18th October, Rosie books with Owen
Owen Armstrong
Owen Armstrong is a fictional character from the British ITV soap opera Coronation Street, played by Ian Puleston-Davies. He made his first on-screen appearance on 9 June 2010.-Casting:...
for a builder to come round and redocorate the kitchen after the oven catches on fire, whilst Sally and Kevin are away. On the 21st, whilst Jason is busy with the Webster's kitchen, and Rosie is running around for a cab to take her to an important modelling job, she happens to mention that it is 'underwear modelling', so Jason immediately offers to be her driver. With Jason not knowing what a 'green screen' is and the male model going AWOL, Rosie volunteers Jason to step in, and the pair complete the photoshoot together; with Jason looking very pleased with himself, once they return home, they end up sleeping together. The next day Jason seems to think he has done something wrong, with Rosie being avasive and not paying him the money for the work he done on the kitchen; she eventually coughs up the money and he buys her a 'fake' version of the hanbag that she dreamt of having and the pair have another steamy session, resulting in them becoming a couple.
When the Joinery bar exploded, bringing a tram off the viaduct which smashes into the Corner Shop and the Kabin, Jason assists with helping everyone and his finest act of the night is venturing into No.13 (which is in flames) to find Simon Barlow
Simon Barlow
Simon Barlow is a fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street, and has been played by Alex Bain since 2008. The character was played by twins Jake and Oscar Hartley on his birth in 2003.-Character development:...
(Alex Bain
Alex Bain
Alex Bain was a former professional footballer, who played for teams in both Scotland & England. He scored two goals for in the extraordinary match between Charlton Athletic F.C. and Huddersfield Town F.C. that took place on 21 December 1957 at Charlton Athletic's home ground, The Valley...
). He finds him in a closet upstairs and they both get out with help from the fire department. Upon escaping, he is thanked gratefully by the Barlow family and praised by the residents for his act of courage. With Jason and Rosie living together, they both tackle the new year looking out for Sophie and Sian as they get kicked out of the Websters. When Graeme convinces Claire to run away, after the truth could be revealed, about her hammering Tracy Barlow, Jason helps her and her boys to escape and drives her to the airport, on the 14th January. On the 17th January, Eileen's money troubles, get a lot worse, and number 11 starts to crumble to pieces around her; she seeks help from an insurance firm, however, when Jason spots a man lurking around the back of the house, he thinks he is trying to spy on a half naked Rosie, and punches him to the ground. Only to immediately discover that he is the insurance salesman, which of course, affects the result and Eileen can't claim a penny.
On the 4th February, after Rosie agrees to go to a 'mother and baby' photo shoot, which 'pays a fortune' and they manage to convince Kevin to borrow baby Jack for the day, disaster strikes when the mix up the car seats, and bring home a baby girl. Jason spots the mistake, and just as they are about to swap back the babies, Kevin walks in and demands the truth. Jason reveals the truth and Kevin goes back out to find him. He finds Jack, but warns Rosie to stay away from him, expressing his disappointment in her. Despite this, Jason is good friends with Kevin and supports him when he wins £200,000 on a scratchcard
A scratchcard is a small card, often made of thin paper-based card for competitions and plastic to conceal PINs, where one or more areas contain concealed information which can...
. When Kev is nearly crushed to death at the garage when his new car ramp malfunctions (Kevin's work colleague Tyrone Dobbs
Tyrone Dobbs
Tyrone Sylvester Dobbs is a fictional character in the UK television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. Portrayed by Alan Halsall, the character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on November 30, 1998.- Casting :...
(Alan Halsall
Alan Halsall
Alan David Halsall is an English actor best known for playing Tyrone Dobbs in Coronation Street, a role which he has played for since 1998.-Early life:...
) had attacked it in a rage and unintentionally damaged it), Jason joins Rosie and her family at the hospital. Kevin orders Jason to call the ramp manufacturers and find the fault, threaten legal action if he has to. When it's revealed that the ramp was damaged on purpose, Jason is shocked and disgusted that someone would try to kill Kevin.
In June, Jason celebrates his 28th birthday and Becky hosts a party for him in the Rovers. However, she orders a stripper and the party turns to all-out mayhem when Chris Gray (Will Thorp
Will Thorp
Will Thorp is an English actor.-Early life:Living in Frome as a youngster, Thorp attended a Catholic college in near-by Trowbridge, Wiltshire. He studied at Bath College and joined Musical Youth Theatre Company at an early age. Thorp was also a member of the National Youth Theatre...
) has a go at Frank Foster
Frank Foster (Coronation Street)
Frank John Foster is a fictional character in the British ITV soap opera Coronation Street, a long-running serial drama about working class life in the fictional town of Weatherfield. Frank is played by Andrew Lancel and was introduced as a business associate of Carla Connor...
(Andrew Lancel
Andrew Lancel
Andrew Lancel is an English actor. He is best known for his current role as Frank Foster in the long-running ITV soap opera Coronation Street, and formerly in his role as DI Neil Manson in The Bill.-Biography:...
). A fight breaks out between them and this leads to a whole-pub brawl, with Jason caught in the midst, things sent flying, the brawl going onto the street and a chair smashing the window. Though Jason is shaken, he is perfectly fine.
In November 2011, Rosie tells Jason that she is showing a potential buyer around their flat (which they are selling), but unknown to Rosie and Jason, the mystery buyer is actually Rosie's ex-kidnapper John Stape
John Stape
John Stape is a fictional character from the British soap opera, Coronation Street, played by actor Graeme Hawley. He made his first on-screen appearance during the episode airing on 6 May 2007. The character departed on 3 June 2011 after four years on the show...
(Graeme Hawley
Graeme Hawley
Graeme Hawley is an English actor known for his role as John Stape in the British soap Coronation Street.-Career:He graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University in 1996 with a degree in Drama before beginning his acting career in the theatre.He started his career off by performing on stage at...
) who has returned to kidnap Rosie as he blames her for his wife Fiz Stape (Jenny McAlpine)'s imprisonment for his crimes. Rosie and Jason have a brief argument which leads to her storming off to show 'Mr Chips' around the flat. Meanwhile, Jason informs Kevin that Rosie never returned from the flat-viewing and he is concerned. Jason and Kevin hear Rosie's screams and find her bound and gagged in the flat,and Kevin chases after John, who then crashes his car and dies. Jason apologises to Rosie for abandoning her and says he'll never do it again.
In late 2000, it was announced that two new youngsters are to join the cast of ITVITV
ITV is the major commercial public service TV network in the United Kingdom. Launched in 1955 under the auspices of the Independent Television Authority to provide competition to the BBC, it is also the oldest commercial network in the UK...
soap Coronation Street
Coronation Street
Coronation Street is a British soap opera set in Weatherfield, a fictional town in Greater Manchester based on Salford. Created by Tony Warren, Coronation Street was first broadcast on 9 December 1960...
, and that Ryan Thomas
Ryan Thomas
Ryan James Thomas and is an English actor who is currently starring as the character, Jason Grimshaw on ITV's Coronation Street.-Career:...
and Bruno Langley
Bruno Langley
Bruno Langley is an English actor. He is best known for playing Todd Grimshaw in Coronation Street and Adam Mitchell in Doctor Who.- Early life :...
will play brothers originally Jason was called James and Todd Grimshaw
Todd Grimshaw
Todd James Grimshaw is a fictional character from the British television soap opera Coronation Street, played by Bruno Langley. He originally appeared from 13 January 2001 till 22 September 2004 and returned for a brief stint in from 15 October 2007 till 7 November 2007...
, 17 and 15 year-old sons of Streetcars controller Eileen
Eileen Grimshaw
Eileen Grimshaw, is a fictional character in the UK television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. Portrayed by Sue Cleaver, the character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on 3 May 2000....
. The family will move into Liz
Liz McDonald
Elizabeth "Liz" Jayne McDonald is a fictional character in the UK television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. Portrayed by actress Beverley Callard, the character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on 27 October 1989 and remained on the series until Callard opted to leave in 1998...
and Jim McDonald
Jim McDonald (Coronation Street)
James "Jim" McDonald is a fictional character in the British television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. Portrayed by actor Charles Lawson, the character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on 27 October 1989...
's old house from next week.
Producers hope the lads will achieve the same heartthrob status as Adam Rickitt
Adam Rickitt
Adam Peter Rickitt is an English actor, singer-songwriter and model.-Biography:Rickitt was born in Crewe, Cheshire, the youngest of four brothers. His father is co-owner of an estate agency...
, who played Nick Tilsley
Nick Tilsley
Nicholas Paul "Nick" Tilsley is a fictional character in the British soap opera Coronation Street. Originally known as "Nicky", he was the first-born child of Brian Tilsley and Gail Platt , and has been portrayed by three different actors. Warren Jackson from 1981 to 1996, then by Adam Rickitt...
for two years before leaving to pursue a pop career. "We thought it was time for some good looking boys," said a spokeswoman.
Storyline development
Although Jason has had many girlfriends, all of them have been quite short-lived since he is commitment-phobic and insatiable with his sexual desires. He has had romantic/sexual relationships with such Street residents as Candice Stowe and Sarah Louise Platt. He seemed to have finally settled down somewhat with Violet Wilson, even going as far as uncharacteristically promising to look after her when he falsely believed her to be pregnant, however, they broke up after he was unable to cope with her confession that she had shared one drunken kiss with Charlie Stubbs. While they were apart he began seeing Sarah, and continued the affair even after he and Violet reunited. Eventually Violet found out and left Jason for good.He continued seeing Sarah, much to the dismay of their mothers. Their relationship remained rocky as Sarah still felt insecure over his relationship with Violet and the fact he proposed to her while still with Sarah. This led to a furious showdown in which Sarah publicly dumped Jason in the Rovers by throwing his pint over his head. After only days of bickering, Jason decided to win Sarah back, and after she refused to speak to him, Jason drastically broke into her house and asked her to marry him. She accepted, although they had a cool reception from both their mothers. They announced their engagement in the Rovers in front of Violet, which Sarah had wanted to do to make a point.
The wedding though was a disaster. Jason decided it wasn't for him, and escaped through the Registry Office toilet window, leaving Sarah heartbroken. After months of ignoring him because of his actions, she slowly started to come round and began seeing him again. But on Christmas Day 2006, Jason had a major surprise delivered to the front door in the shape of a baby - his little girl, Holly by a young woman called Emma.
In early 2001, Jason began dating Sarah Platt, they had a on off relationship and were due to marry in 2006. Speaking of the storyline Thomas said: "Jason was thinking about getting married in four years rather than four months. It was just a gesture, and that’s all he wanted it to be. He thought they would just get engaged and they didn’t have to get married for ages yet. It was more of a stepping stone for him. It has come round quickly for Jason, and he is sort of being pushed into it. He doesn’t want to lose Sarah so he is going along with it because he does actually love her." Asked if Jason would settle down Thomas also said: "He's had a bit of a past and he's a bit of a Jack The Lad around Charlie but on this occasion, for once, he's actually showing some grown-up qualities and, when faced with the prospect of losing Sarah, he chose to bite the bullet."There's no grey area with Jason because there's not that much grey matter! Everything's in black and white. It's either marry Sarah and keep her or don't marry Sarah and lose her forever." Speaking about if Jason will also be able to handle Bethany, Thomas said: "He certainly will – he pulls her to one side during the ceremony and makes her a pledge. He realises he can't have Sarah without Beth – they come as a package."

In 2008, Jason began dating Becky Granger, speaking of the storyline actress Katherine Kelly
Katherine Kelly (actress)
Katherine Kelly, is a British actress and recording artist who is most well known for playing Becky McDonald in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street. She has also starred in the film Mischief Night.-Early life and career:...
said: It's all her dreams come true. When she first arrived on the Street, she was homeless – that was the only definition of Becky I got when I originally landed the part. To go from the old fingerless gloves to setting up a flat with Jason, the fittest guy on the Street, it's the best life has ever been for her." "She absolutely believes that she's 100% in love with him. I see it as a very teenage relationship because of the on-off status. Becky's very mature in many ways - she's very streetwise and if you needed something, you'd go to Becky and she'd find it for you. But emotionally, she's very immature. That's a lot to do with why she gets on so well with Roy because he's quite emotionally immature, too. It's probably the one level that they do connect on."
In 2009, Jason began dating David Platt
David Platt (Coronation Street)
David Daniel Platt is a fictional character in the UK television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. The character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on 26 December 1990 and is portrayed by actor Jack P...
's ex girlfriend Tina McIntyre, speaking of the storyline Thomas said: "I just thought it was really good for their storylines because I knew it'd bring the Platts and the Grimshaws back together in their usual warring ways. Who could forget the famous fight on the cobbles between Gail and Eileen? I think at some point that'll come again. There's always banter from one side of the Street to the other." Asked what attracts Tina to Jason, Thomas replied: "I think it's because she's quite full-on with Jason. She made a big effort with him in the beginning, so he just played off that and spiced up his life a bit in the process. He wanted a bit more fun than just sitting there having a pint in The Rovers every day." It all came a little out of the blue, didn't it? "Yeah, Jason completely wasn't aware that Tina fancied him. She had to come onto him to make him realise, but as soon as he got the sign, he was in there! It doesn't take him long to get his pants off! I think Jason was playing with the situation a bit as well to see what he could get out of her. When he started getting the right signals, he just thought 'I might as well have a go'. They seem to be very happy at the moment."
In 2010, Jason began a relationship with Rosie Webster
Rosie Webster
Rosie Webster is a fictional character in the British television ITV soap opera, Coronation Street. The character first appeared onscreen during the episode airing on 24 December 1990. Originally portrayed by actress Emma Collinge from her birth until December 1999, the character has since been...
, teasing the storyline, Thomas said: "It's going to be a very feisty, sexy relationship between the two characters." Asked if the Jason and Rosie (Helen Flanagan
Helen Flanagan
Helen Joyce Flanagan is a British actress best known for playing Rosie Webster in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street.Flanagan has played Rosie Webster in Coronation Street since 2000, when she was ten years old....
) pairing could work, Thomas admitted that with Jason's track record anything could happen. In October 2010, Flanagan commented on the storyline: ""Trust the writers to give it to me! I didn't have time to worry about it - or hit the gym! Ryan and I are like brother and sister so the first kiss was weird, but once we got that out of the way it was fine. "It wasn't as passionate as it looked as Ryan was in agony from an infected tooth. But I'm glad Rosie has got a boyfriend - it shows she has a heart."
External links
- Profile of Jason Grimshaw at What's on TV
- Profile of Jason Grimshaw at ITV soaps