Japanese chisel
The Japanese chisel or is made on similar principles to the Japanese plane
Japanese plane
The Japanese plane or ' is a plane pulled towards the user rather than pushed in the manner of western style planes. They are made of hardwood , usually japanese white or red oak. The laminated steel and iron blade is stout compared to western planes...

. There is a hard blade, called hagane
Hagane may be*a steel used for making blades , such as those in Japanese swords, Japanese chisels or Japanese planes.*a video game Hagane: The Final Conflict*a manga by Masaomi Kanzaki....

 attached to a softer piece of metal called the jigane.


  • The is the most usual type of Japanese chisel. The name literally means rabbeting chisel.

  • The has beveled edges for making dovetail joint
    Dovetail joint
    A dovetail joint or simply dovetail is a joint technique most commonly used in woodworking joinery. Noted for its resistance to being pulled apart , the dovetail joint is commonly used to join the sides of a drawer to the front....



A Japanese chisel usually requires some set-up, called . The metal ring attached to the handle must be removed, the wood and ring filed to match, the ring replaced on the chisel and then the wood beaten down around the ring so that the mallet strikes the wood. The function of the metal ring is to prevent the wooden handle from splitting.
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