Jane Penvellyn
Jane Penvellyn is a character from the Nancy Drew Computer Games series which she appeared in 2 games: Curse of Blackmoor Manor and Danger By Design.

She first appeared in Curse of Blackmoor Manor where Nancy can talk to her in her bedroom. She knows all about The Penvellyns because her tutor, Ethel Bossiny, teaches her. When Nancy asks about all the people of the Penvellyn family, Jane will answer it. You can also play games with Jane. She said that she wants to make computer games when she grows up.

She recently appeared in Danger By Design where Nancy can play a computer game she made herself called "Jane's Game Portal". While playing you can see her face, Jeff Akers from Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, and Brady Armstrong from The Final Scene
The Final Scene
The Final Scene is the fifth game in the Nancy Drew computer game series. The game is based on the book bearing the same name and features Nancy Drew and her friend Maya Nguyen. Nancy meets Maya at the Royal Palladium theater to go to the opening of a new movie, Vanishing Destiny. As Maya goes into...

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