of Joyce Anstruther, later Joyce Maxtone Graham and finally Joyce Placzek (June 6, 1901 – July 20, 1953), an English
writer remembered for her character Mrs. Miniver
and a number of hymn
s, such as "Lord of All Hopefulness
She was the daughter of Henry Torrens Anstruther
and spent her childhood in Whitchurch
in Buckinghamshire
, England
In 1923 she married Anthony Maxtone Graham, a broker at Lloyd's, by whom she had three children.
For to love, loveless, is a bitter pill:But to be loved, unloving, bitterer still.
And I am a mockery, who was God before.
Then say–how come the years to seem so swift,The days, the days so slow?
Come, let us wage a holy war!
Now heaven be thanked, I am out of love again!I have been long a slave, and now am free;
To be entirely at leisure for one day is to be for one day an immortal:
In childhood the daylight always fails too soon -- except when there are going to be fireworks;
She noted with delight that he really did say "Ha!" This made a valuable addition to her collection. She had lately acquired a "Humph!" and two "Whews!" but she was still waiting in vain for a "Pshaw!"