Jan Fredrik Christiansen
Jan Fredrik Christiansen (b. April 1. 1942) was principal trumpeter with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra
Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra
The Oslo-Filharmonien is a symphony orchestra based in Oslo, Norway. The orchestra was founded in 1919, and has since 1977 had its home in the Oslo Concert Hall. The orchestra consists of 69 musicians in the string section, 16 in the woodwinds, 15 in brass, 5 in percussionists, 1 harpist, and 1...

 from 1973 until 2007.

Christiansen is also professor at the Norwegian Academy of Music
Norwegian Academy of Music
The Norwegian Academy of Music is a music conservatory located in Oslo, Norway, in the neighbourhood of Majorstuen, Frogner. It is the largest music academy in Norway and offers the country's highest level of music education. As a university college, it offers both undergraduate and postgraduate...

 and principal trumpet of the Oslo Sinfonietta
Oslo Sinfonietta
The Oslo Sinfonietta is a Norwegian contemporary classical orchestra.The Oslo Sinfonietta grew out of contemporary music circles at the Norwegian Academy of Music...

. He joined the Philharmonic in 1966 and became principal in 1973, replacing Harry Kvebæk, and has performed in all of the orchestra's recordings since that time. He was a student of Harry Kvebæk, William Overton
William Overton
William Overton may refer to:*William Overton , United States district court judge*William Overton , founder of Portland, Oregon...

 and Adolph Herseth
Adolph Herseth
Adolph Sylvester Herseth, was principal trumpet in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra from 1948 until 2001, and served as principal trumpet emeritus from 2001 until his retirement in 2004.-Biography:...

. In 1985 he premiered Olav Anton Thommessen
Olav Anton Thommessen
Olav Anton Thommessen is a Norwegian composer. He trained in the United States earning degrees from Westminster Choir College and Indiana University. He is currently professor of composition at the Norwegian Academy of Music, where he has taught since 1972. He won the Nordic Council Music Prize in...

's trumpet concerto
A concerto is a musical work usually composed in three parts or movements, in which one solo instrument is accompanied by an orchestra.The etymology is uncertain, but the word seems to have originated from the conjunction of the two Latin words...

The Second Creation.
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