Jami Mosque
Located just east of High Park
High Park
High Park is a municipal park in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It spans , and is a mixed recreational and natural park, with sporting facilities, cultural facilities, educational facilities, gardens, playgrounds and a zoo. One third of the park remains in a natural state, with a rare oak savannah ecology...

 in Toronto
Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. A relatively modern city, Toronto's history dates back to the late-18th century, when its land was first purchased by the British monarchy from...

, Jami Mosque (مسجد جامع) is the oldest Canadian Islamic centre in the city and dubbed "the mother of all the mosques in Toronto".

Built in 1910 as a Presbyterian church, the building was purchased in 1969 by Toronto's small, predominantly Balkan, Muslim community and converted into the city's first worship centre.

In November 1977, Ahmed Khadr and Maha el-Samnah were married at the mosque.

While Jami originally held a large number of Tablighi Jamaat
Tablighi Jamaat
Tablighi Jamaat is a religious movement which was founded in 1926 by Muhammad Ilyas al-Kandhlawi in India. The movement primarily aims at Tablighi spiritual reformation by working at the grass roots level, reaching out to Muslims across all social and economic spectra to bring them closer to...

 followers, the numbers declined after a large influx of Gujrati
Gujrati may refer to anything of or relating to:* Gujrat, a city in Punjab, Pakistan* Gujrat District, the corresponding district of Punjab...

 Muslim immigration led to the leasing of a hall in eastern Toronto; and the eventual 1981 purchase of a building converted to Madina Mosque, which became the spiritual hub of Tablighi Jamaat. Jami then drifted towards finding leadership in the Muslim Students Association.

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