James Sprent Virtue
James Sprent Virtue was a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 publisher. He was born at 26 Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row
Paternoster Row
Paternoster Row was a London street in which clergy of the medieval St Paul's Cathedral would walk, chanting the Lord's Prayer . It was devastated by aerial bombardment in The Blitz during World War II. Prior to this destruction the area had been a centre of the London publishing trade , with...

, London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...

, EC on 18 May 1829. His father, George Virtue
George Virtue
George C. Virtue, Esq. was a 19th-century London publisher, well-known for printing engravings. His publishing house was located at 26 Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, London, EC.-Pictorial publisher:...

, was the founder in London of a publishing business the main feature of which was the production of illustrated works.

Early years

At age 14, J.S. apprenticed to his father, and, in 1848, at age 19, was sent to the New York publishing branch to expand the United States and Canadian market for Virtue books. He travelled widely through the United States and Canada on business. He returned to England in 1850 and was admitted a liveryman to the Stationers' Company, then went back to the New York City branch and became the branch head. By 1852, he expanded the business to include 15 branches in major cities of eastern United States and Canada. J.S. returned to England in 1855, when his father retired from active business and succeeded his father.

Mid career

As proprietor of The Art Journal
The Art Journal
The Art Journal, published in London, was the most important Victorian magazine on art. It was founded in 1839 by Hodgson & Graves, print publishers, 6 Pall Mall, with the title the Art Union Monthly Journal, the first issue of 750 copies appearing 15 February 1839.Hodgson & Graves hired Samuel...

, J.S. embarked upon the illustrations of the great galleries: the Royal, the Sheepshanks, the Vernon, and the Turner, making it famous. Among other works published by the firm were illustrated editions of the Holy Bible, 1861–5, three volumes, and Tomlinson's Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts
Tomlinson's Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts
Tomlinson’s Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts is a multi-volume encyclopedia focusing on manufacturing, mining, and engineering. It was edited by Charles Tomlinson, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and a lecturer at King’s College School, London. The original was published between 1852 and 1854. . It was...

, 1854.

In 1862, in conjunction with his older brother, George Henry Virtue, F.S.A., Esq. he organised another business at 1 Amen Corner, under the name of Virtue Brothers & Company. In 1865, his younger brother, William Alexander Virtue, became a partner in the family's City Road and Ivy Lane businesses. The brothers were also proprietors of Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co. which published all four of William H. Bartlett's Guelph collection books.
J.S. sold some of the business after George Henry's death on July 21, 1866. William went to the United States and took over leadership of the family's American branch, until his death in 1875. His sister, Frances, was married to the British essayist and historian James Augustus Cotter Morison
James Augustus Cotter Morison
James Augustus Cotter Morison , English essayist and historian, was born in London.-Early years:His father, who had made a large fortune as the inventor and proprietor of "Morison's Pills", settled in Paris till his death in 1840, and Cotter Morison thus acquired not only an acquaintance with the...

J.S. married Miss J. E. Shirreff in 1867. About this time, he began publishing Saint Pauls Magazine, but sold it around 1869.

In 1871, Samuel Spalding was admitted a partner in the business at 26 Ivy Lane, 294 City Road, and 31 Farringdon Street, and in 1874 Frederic Richard Daldy, of the firm of Bell & Daldy
George Bell & Sons
George Bell & Sons was a book publishing house located in London, United Kingdom, from 1839 to 1986. It was founded by George Bell as an educational bookseller, with the intention of selling the output of London university presses; but became best known as an independent publisher of classics and...

, was also taken into the house. The business was conducted much upon the old lines, new and improved editions of illustrated works being issued, including Charles Knight
Charles Knight
Charles Knight is the name of:*Charles Knight , English author and publisher*Charles Knight , British civil servant*Charles Knight , New Zealand filmmaker, actor and stuntman...

's Shakespeare (1871), and Picturesque Palestine (1880).

Publishing houses

  • James S. Virtue
  • J.S. Virtue & Co Ltd
  • Virtue and Co.
  • Virtue Brothers & Co.
  • Virtue, Emmins & Co
  • Virtue, Spalding
  • Virtue, Spalding, and Daldy
  • Virtue & (John C.) Yorston

Later years

J.S. was one of the founders of the London Rowing Club
London Rowing Club
London Rowing Club is one of the oldest rowing clubs on the River Thames in London, United Kingdom.It is regarded as one of the most exclusive and successful rowing clubs in Britain. and its Patron is HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh....

, and for many years took an active part in the management. For several seasons he gave an annual prize of a sculling
Sculling generally refers to a method of using oars to propel watercraft in which the oar or oars touch the water on both the port and starboard sides of the craft, or over the stern...

 boat to be competed for by the scullers. He died at 3 Prince's Mansions, Victoria Street, London, on 29 March 1892, and was buried at Walton-on-Thames
Walton-on-Thames is a town in the Elmbridge borough of Surrey in South East England. The town is located south west of Charing Cross and is between the towns of Weybridge and Molesey. It is situated on the River Thames between Sunbury Lock and Shepperton Lock.- History :The name "Walton" is...

on 2 April.
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