James P. Wade
James P. Wade, Jr. is the author, with Harlan K. Ullman
Harlan K. Ullman
Harlan K. Ullman , is a political author, commentator, and a retired United States Naval Commander. He is an advisor to government and the private sector and is active in transformation both of business and the Department of Defense...

 of the doctrine of strategic dominance, more popularly known as Shock and awe. They published their concept in Shock and Awe: Achieving Rapid Dominance, a 1996 monograph of the National Defense University
National Defense University
The National Defense University is an institution of higher education funded by the United States Department of Defense, intended to facilitate high-level training, education, and the development of national security strategy. It is chartered by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, with Navy Vice Admiral...


In 1977, he was appointed by President Jimmy Carter as Chairman of the Military Liaison Committee to the Department of Energy.

See also

1. The American Presidency Project http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=30943#axzz1Qf62qDHg
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