Jacob Appel (painter)
Jacob Appel was a Dutch painter active in the 1700s. He was born in Amsterdam
Amsterdam is the largest city and the capital of the Netherlands. The current position of Amsterdam as capital city of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is governed by the constitution of August 24, 1815 and its successors. Amsterdam has a population of 783,364 within city limits, an urban population...

 in 1680. After studying under Timotheus de Graaf in the years 1690-1692, he was instructed in landscape painting by David Van der Plaas
David van der Plas
-Biography:David van der Plas became famous as a portrait painter, and his most illustrious patron was Cornelis Tromp. In 1684 he married Cornelia van der Gon of Haarlem, the daughter of the castellan of the Oude Doelen, the meeting quarters of the Haarlem schutterij...

. According to Descamps
Jean-Baptiste Descamps
Jean-Baptiste Descamps was a French writer and painter of village scenes.Descamps was born in Dunkirk, but lived principally at Paris, till an accidental circumstance fixed him at Rouen, in 1740...

, he at first imitated the works of Tempesta
Antonio Tempesta
Antonio Tempesta was an Italian painter and engraver, a point of connection between Baroque Rome and the culture of Antwerp. He was born and trained in Florence and painted in a variety of styles, influenced to some degree by "Contra-Maniera" or Counter-Mannerism...

, but later changed his style, and adopted that of Albert Meijeringh. His landscapes are not without merit, but he was more successful in his portraits. He died in 1751 at Amsterdam.
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