The JY15 is a one-design
One-Design is a racing method where all vehicles or boats have identical or very similar designs or models. It is also known as Spec series. It is heavily used in sailboat racing. All competitors in a race are then judged based on a single start time...

A centreboard or centerboard is a retractable keel which pivots out of a slot in the hull of a sailboat, known as a centreboard trunk or centerboard case...

A dinghy is a type of small boat, often carried or towed for use as a ship's boat by a larger vessel. It is a loanword from either Bengali or Urdu. The term can also refer to small racing yachts or recreational open sailing boats. Utility dinghies are usually rowboats or have an outboard motor,...

 designed by Rod Johnstone in 1989. An optional Turbo Rig provides trapeze lines for the crew and a spinnaker
A spinnaker is a special type of sail that is designed specifically for sailing off the wind from a reaching course to a downwind, i.e. with the wind 90°–180° off the bow. The spinnaker fills with wind and balloons out in front of the boat when it is deployed, called flying. It is constructed of...


The original JY-15 was made out of ACP (Advanced Composite Process) rather than the usual fiberglass or wood materials used for most dinghys. ACP is a laminate consisting of a foam core, an inner fiberglass skin, and a 1/8" outer plastic skin.

As of 2010, the ACP version is no longer being manufactured, but a fiberglass version is being made by Nickels Boatworks in Fenton Michigan.

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