Ivan Romanov
Ivan Nikitich Romanov, Russian Иван Никитич Романов (156? – 16 July 1640) was a son of Nikita Romanovich
Zakharyin from his second wife, a junior half-brother of Feodor Nikitich Romanov (Patriarch Filaret) and an uncle of the first Tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich
Nikita Romanovich
Nikita Romanovich , also known as Nikita Romanovich Zakharyin-Yuriev, was a Muscovite Boyar in 1563 whose grandson Mikhail Feodorovich founded the Romanov dynasty of Russian tsars...
Zakharyin from his second wife, a junior half-brother of Feodor Nikitich Romanov (Patriarch Filaret) and an uncle of the first Tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich
Michael of Russia
Mikhail I Fyodorovich Romanov Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was the first Russian Tsar of the house of Romanov. He was the son of Feodor Nikitich Romanov and Xenia...