Ismail Khudr Al-Shatti
Dr. Ismail Khudr Al- Shatti is among the prominent personnel in the political arena of Kuwait and GCC. He is currently serving as the Head of advisory committee for His Highness Prime Minister of Kuwait. He is the former Deputy Prime Minister of Kuwait; before which he had functioned as Minister, Ministry of communications. Dr. Al-Shatti has held many key positions in the administrative bodies of Kuwait and is a well accepted think tank in futuristic and scientific decision makings of national and international levels. Though a proven multifaceted personality, he is generally regarded as one of the pioneers of Futures Studies in the region.
Having got excellent academic records in scientific and technological sectors, he brought revolutionary ideas into practice while handling administrative responsibilities. Dr. Al-Shatti earned his PhD in Civil Engineering from Southampton University, UK. He is an engineer in Industrial Engineering by his masters and Chemical Engineering by bachelor’s degree. He worked as Dean of Faculty of Technological Studies. He has have published many scientific papers in Chemical Engineering and Futures Researches.
Dr. Shatti has also been a noted journalist and a columnist in local and Arabic Newspapers and magazines such as Al-Watan,Al Qabbas, Al sharq al Awsat, Al Hayat, and Al Kuwait Magazine. He has been the editor in chief of Al Mujtama’a Magazine for Twelve years.
Dr. Al-Shatti was the CEO of Dar Al Mashora for consulting Services and Gulf Institute for Futures and Strategic Studies. He has a life time membership of the World Futures Society, has been the Arabian Regional Coordinator of World Futures Society since 1989, member of Millennium Project of the American Council for the United Nations University and was a Planning Committee Member and Chairman of Gulf Node.
Dr. Al-Shatti played a vibrant role in the parliamentary committees in Kuwait National Assembly .He has been elected four times to head the finance and economic committee, During that time he participated in several committees and special teams, such as :
Having got excellent academic records in scientific and technological sectors, he brought revolutionary ideas into practice while handling administrative responsibilities. Dr. Al-Shatti earned his PhD in Civil Engineering from Southampton University, UK. He is an engineer in Industrial Engineering by his masters and Chemical Engineering by bachelor’s degree. He worked as Dean of Faculty of Technological Studies. He has have published many scientific papers in Chemical Engineering and Futures Researches.
Dr. Shatti has also been a noted journalist and a columnist in local and Arabic Newspapers and magazines such as Al-Watan,Al Qabbas, Al sharq al Awsat, Al Hayat, and Al Kuwait Magazine. He has been the editor in chief of Al Mujtama’a Magazine for Twelve years.
Dr. Al-Shatti was the CEO of Dar Al Mashora for consulting Services and Gulf Institute for Futures and Strategic Studies. He has a life time membership of the World Futures Society, has been the Arabian Regional Coordinator of World Futures Society since 1989, member of Millennium Project of the American Council for the United Nations University and was a Planning Committee Member and Chairman of Gulf Node.
Higher and Specialized Councils and Ministerial Committees
Dr. Al-Shatti also headed several governmental organizations and committees :- Head of Higher Council of Civil Aviation.
- Head of Board of Directors in the Public Port Authority.
- Head of Investor Group Committee (Free Zone).
- Head of Government Priorities Committee.
- Head of the Committee for State Real Estate Exploitation Contracts Models.
- Head of the Ministerial Committee assigned to study State Audit Bureau report on the Commissioning of the National Assembly B.O.T contracts.
- Head of Committee for Government Project Management.
- Head of Economic Advisory Team.
- Head of the Public Authority for Civil Information.
- Head of Central Apparatus for Information Technology.
- Head of Board of Trustees at the Arab Planning Institute- Kuwait.
- Supervising Minister of the Savings and Loan Bank.
- Deputy Head of Civil Service Council.
- Member of the Higher Council for Planning and Development.
- Member of the State Supreme Council for Information.
- Supreme Council of the State for Planning - Member and Deputy Chairman of Strategies and Policies Committee
Dr. Al-Shatti played a vibrant role in the parliamentary committees in Kuwait National Assembly .He has been elected four times to head the finance and economic committee, During that time he participated in several committees and special teams, such as :
- Member of Supreme Council of Audit Bureau.
- Member of Facts Finding Committee on the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait - National Assembly.
- Head of the Parliamentarian Team which negotiated the World Bank recommendations with the World Bank (WB) Team - National Assembly.
- Head of Parliamentarian Team to solve the Deficit Problem in the Kuwaiti Budget - National Assembly.
- Head of Parliamentarian Team to prepare legislations for Liberation of Economy in Kuwait with Cooperation of World Bank - National Assembly.
- Head of Facts Finding Team on Corruption of Kuwaiti Investment in Spain - National Assembly.
- Head of Parliamentary Negotiation Team with Government about Kuwaiti Bank's Bad Debts and Solution Making - National Assembly.
- First elected Chairman for Committee for Protection of Public Funds - National Assembly.
- Member of Presidential Office - National Assembly.
Social organizations
Dr Al Shatti has participated in many social organizations at International , regional and national levels- World Futures Society ,Washington USA ,Life Membership
- Millennium Project of the American Council for the United Nations University, a Planning Committee Member and Chairman of Gulf Node till 2010.
- Global Organization of parliamentarian against corruption, Ottawa, Canada-Member.
- Tony Blair's Faith Foundation ,London UK, membership of International Religious Advisory Council
- Arab Parliamentarian against corruption, Beirut, Lebanon ,Board Member
- National- Islamic conference ,Beirut, Lebanon, Board member
- National Arabic conference, Beirut, Lebanon, Board member
- Arab Anti -Corruption Organization, Beirut ,Lebanon, Member of Board of Trustees.
- Egypt - Arab Futures Researches Association, Cairo ,Egypt ,Board Member
- Arab Organization for Translation, Beirut ,Lebanon, member of Board of Trustees.
- Gulf Development Forum, Bahrain , Member
- Kuwait Parliamentarian against corruption, Board member.
- Islamic Constitutional Movement, Member of Executive Committee
- Social Reforms Society, Executive Board Member
Membership of Tony Blair's Faith Foundation
He also holds membership of International Religious Advisory Council of the Tony Blair Faith FoundationTony Blair Faith Foundation
The Tony Blair Faith Foundation was established by Tony Blair in May 2008.-The Foundation:The Foundation was launched in May 2008 in New York at the headquarters of media group Time Warner. In his speech Blair outlined its aim that "idealism becomes the new realism", and that one of its goals was...