. His work is characterised by raw Scottish dialect, and brutal depiction of the realities of Edinburgh life. He has also written plays, screenplays, and directed several short films.
Irvine Welsh was born in Leith
, a port area to the east and now part of the Scottish capital Edinburgh
. His family moved to Muirhouse
, in Edinburgh, when he was four, where the family stayed at local housing schemes.
That beats any meat injection ... that beats any fuckin cock in the world ... Ali gasps, completely serious. It unnerves us tae the extent that ah feel ma ain genitals through ma troosers tae see if they're still thair.
The rhetorical question, the stock-in-trade weapon ay burds and psychos.
Life's boring and futile. We start oaf wi high hopes, then we bottle it. We realize that we're aw gaunnae die, withoot really findin oot the big answers. We develop aw they long-winded ideas which jist interpret the reality ay oor lives in different weys, withoot really extending oor body ay worthwhile knowledge, about the big things, the real things. Basically, we live a short, disappointing life; and then we die.
Funny scene, likesay, how aw the psychos seem tae ken each other, ken what ah means, likes?
Rents once sais, thirs nothin like a darker skin tone tae increase the vigilance ay the police n the magistrates: too right.
How many shots does it take before the concept ay choice becomes obsolete?
Ah wonder if anybody this side of the Atlantic has ever bought a baseball bat with playing baseball in mind.
Still, failure, success, what is it? Whae gies a fuck. We aw live, then we die, in quite a short space ay time n aw. That's it; end ay fuckin story.