iPride is a nonprofit organization interested in the well-being and development of children and adults who are of more than one racial or ethnic heritage or who have been transracially adopted. Founded in 1979, iPride, otherwise known as Interracial Intercultural Pride is the oldest existing multiracial
The terms multiracial and mixed-race describe people whose ancestries come from multiple races. Unlike the term biracial, which often is only used to refer to having parents or grandparents of two different races, the term multiracial may encompass biracial people but can also include people with...

 group in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco Bay Area
The San Francisco Bay Area, commonly known as the Bay Area, is a populated region that surrounds the San Francisco and San Pablo estuaries in Northern California. The region encompasses metropolitan areas of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, along with smaller urban and rural areas...

 it seeks to "create a more equitable society by educating ourselves, our children, and our community, about the interracial and multiethnic family and the mixed-race experience" through its various activities.

iPride is the founding chapter of The Association of MultiEthnic Americans
Association of MultiEthnic Americans
The Association of MultiEthnic Americans is an international collaboration of community organizations. With dedication to advocacy and education on behalf of the mixed-race community, AMEA works to promote a community of acceptance and equality....

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