Invasive lobular carcinoma
Invasive lobular carcinoma accounts for 5-10% of invasive breast cancer
Breast cancer
Breast cancer is cancer originating from breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers originating from ducts are known as ductal carcinomas; those originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas...


The histologic patterns include:
Type Prevalence Description
Classical 40% round or ovoid cells with little cytoplasm in a single-file infiltrating pattern, sometimes concentrically giving a targetoid
In medicine, targetoid is a structure or lesion that has the appearance of a target or is target-like.Examples:*Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma*Targetoid Michaelis-Gutmann bodies*Targetoid calcification-External links:* -

Alveolar 5% Aggregates of classical-appearing cells
Solid 10% Sheets of classical-appearing cells with little intervening stroma
Stroma (animal tissue)
In animal tissue, stroma refers to the connective, supportive framework of a biological cell, tissue, or organ.The stroma in animal tissue is contrasted with the parenchyma.Examples include:* Stroma of iris...

Tubulolobular 5% Cells form microtubules in >90% of tumor (smaller than in tubular carcinoma)
Pleomorphic Classical-appearing but with pleomorphic
Pleomorphism (cytology)
Pleomorphism is a term used in histology and cytopathology to describe variability in the size and shape of cells and/or their nuclei. It is a feature characteristic of malignant neoplasms....

Mixed 40% No dominant pattern

Overall, the 5-year survival rate of invasive lobular carcinoma was approximately 85% in 2003.

Loss of E-cadherin is common in lobular carcinoma but is also seen in other breast cancers.

Treatment includes surgery and adjuvant therapy.
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