International Textbook Company
The International Textbook Company I.T.C. was founded in 1895 by publisher Thomas J. Foster in Scranton, PA.
As its name implies the I.T.C. published instruction papers, booklets, and textbooks for its subsidiary department the International Correspondence Schools. The textbook company and the International Correspondence Schools were dependent on each other from the beginning.
The Correspondence School started in 1891 as a Question and Answer column in the pages of the mining journal titled "Colliery Engineer and Metal Miner" published by Mr Foster. This column was a response to the in depth tests required of miners and inspectors by the "New" Pennsylvania Mine Safety Act of 1885.
The I.T.C. merged the Colliery Engineer School of Mines, School of Mines, Correspondence Schools, and the International Correspondence School as the International Correspondence Schools
of Scranton, PA under the new International Textbook Company.
Several Scranton correspondence schools had textbooks printed or published by I.T.C. as direct subsidiaries of the School The Institute of Business Science and as their own entities the Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts & Sciences.
Mr T.J. Foster's less than ethical business practices bankrupted the school and the book company. Philanthropic Scranton bankers and businessmen who saw the potential impact this school would have on their workforce and community reorganized it under receivership in 1905. Many men and women who didn't have the means for schooling past grade 8 in the first half of the 20th century can thank them for their vision. I.C.S. and other later schools such as The American School of Correspondence in Chicago, IL provided a way to gain practical knowledge that could better their earning potential without quitting work for 3–4 years.
The books in The International Library of Technology were published by I.T.C. These books were bound volumes of the course materials for the more than 240 courses offered. These books were used and made available in at least 184 Colleges (Including The U.S. Military Academy at West Point and Cornell University) and at least 649 Public Libraries.
I.C.S. is in operation today as the Penn Foster Career School
The American School of Correspondence
in Chicago, IL is still in operation today as a non-public secondary school.
* Volume #5B (1921): Applied Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Machine Design
* Volume #6 (1905) : Twisting, Winding, Reeling and Bailing
* Volume #7B (1903,1941) : Cotton Warp Preparation
* Volume #8C (1905,1946) : Plain and Dobby Cotton Weaving
* Volume #9 (1905) fancy weaving and Cloth Rooms
* Volume #11D (1922): Geometry and Mensuration Electric Wiring and Bellwork Design of Beams Design of Columns Design of Roof Trusses Design of Plate Girders
* Volume #40B (1939, 1923): Modern Styles - Decorative Ornament
* Volume #41 (1928): Pen and Brush Lettering
* Volume #51 (1905): Materials, Beams, Girders, Columns, Graphic Analysis
* Volume #76 (1906): Cotton, Pickers, Cotton Cards, Drawing Rolls, Railway Heads And Drawing Frames, Combers, Fly Frames.
* Volume #77 (1906): Ring Frames, Cotton Mules, Twisters, Spoolers, Beam Warpers, Slashers, Chain Warping.
* Volume #78 (1906): Yarns, Cloth Rooms, Mill Engineering, Reeling And Baling, Winding.
* Volume #107 (1909): Reinforced Concrete Design and Practice, Specifications, Failures
* Volume #108 (1909): Cements, Concrete, Stone, Brick, Foundations
* Volume #109 (1909): Mechanics, Soils, Masonry, Retaining Walls, Arches
* Volume #114 (1942): Automobile Electric Starting Mechanism
* Volume #122D (1937): Automobile Carburation and Fuels
* Volume #123 (1939): Automobile Electric Ignition
* Volume #124C (1931 & 1942): Automobile Universal Joints - Steering Gears
* Volume #125C (1941): Automobile Friction Clutches
* Volume #126D (1937 & 1941): Automobile Lubrication - Cooling Equipment
* Volume #127C (1930 & 1937): Automobile Tires and Horns
* Volume #128D (1925 & 1938): Elements of Electric Ignition
* Volume #129 (1942): Ford Electric Equipment
* Volume #130D (1933, 1938 & 1940): Starting and Lighting - Lighting Devices
* Volume #131C (1930 & 1936): Automobile Electric Equipment - I
* Volume #132B (1930, 1935, 1936 & 1938): Automobile Electric Equipment - II
* Volume #134B (1930): Repair of Automobile Electric Equipment
* Volume #135 (1923, 1924 & 1936): Armature and Field-Coil Rewinding
* Volume #137 (1923): Storage-Battery Equipment - Troubles
* Volume #138B (1940 & 1941): Storage-Battery Testing and Charging
* Volume #139 (1940): Automobile-Engine Tune-Up
* Volume #141D (1929, 1935 & 1938): Automobile Valve Repair and Bench Work
* Volume #142 (1941): Automobile Generators and Regulators
* Volume #143C (1934 & 1938): Engine Troubles - Bearings and Shafts
* Volume #146 (1939) : Electricity and Magnetism
* Volume #150C(1937) : Rectifiers-Converters Motor Applications
* Volume #152D: (1942, 1946): Electric Illumination
* Volume #153D: (1939, 1944): Electric Heating
* Volume #159C: (1936, 1947, 1949): Fractional-Horsepower Motors
* Volume #160B: (1948): Science and Art of Illumination
* Volume #163 (1917) : Geometrical Drawing (Parts 1 and 2)
* Volume #164: (1941): AC Machines, Transformers, Rectifiers
* Volume #171 (1921): Drawing
* Volume #175C (1928 & 1939): Measuring Instruments
* Volume #175D (1928 & 1947): Measuring Instruments
* Volume #176 (1927): Drilling Machines and Practice
* Volume #177B (1926, 1934, 1935, 1936): Lathe Work I
* Volume #177C (1926, 1942 & 1943): Lathe Work I
* Volume #178B (1926 & 1932): Lathe Work II
* Volume #178C (1926 & 1942): Lathe Work II
* Volume #179C (1943 & 1944): Lathe Work III
* Volume #180 (1927): Planers and Planer Practice
* Volume #181C (1927 & 1943): Shapers, Slotters, and Boring Mills
* Volume #182 (1927 & 1944): Milling Machines and Equipment
* Volume #183 (1927 & 1942): Milling Machine Practice and Work
* Volume #184 (1927, 1933, 1934): Grinding Equipment and Practice
* Volume #184C (1941 & 1942): Grinding Equipment and Practice
* Volume #185 (1914, 1928, 1934): Gear Calculations and Cutting
* Volume #185B (1928 & 1942): Gear Calculations and Making
* Volume #186 (1927,1933, 1934): Bench Work (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #186B (1946 & 1947): Bench Work
* Volume #187 (1915 & 1928): Erecting
* Volume #189C (1935): Toolmaking (Parts 1-3)
* Volume #190C (1915, 1936): Gauges, Jigs, & Fixtures
* Volume #191C (1936): Dies and Die Making (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #193 (1941,1934,1928, (parts 1-3)
* Volume #204C (1927, 1935): Malleable Casting (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #205C (1935, 1936 & 1940): Shop Equipment - Hand Forging - Tool Dressing
* Volume #206B (1915, 1936): Tempering and Heat Treatment of Steel
* Volume #206C (1915, 1940 & 1947): Tempering and Heat Treatment of Steel
* Volume #N208 (1930, 1935): Machine Sketching
* Volume #209B (1927, 1932): Elements of Blueprint Reading
* Volume #211C (1940, 1942): Chemistry, And Materials Of Construction.
* Volume #212 (1927): Mechanical Drawing
* Volume #213 (1928): Advanced Mechanical Drawing
* Volume #214b (1932, 1928): Advanced Mechanical Drawing Part 2
* Volume #215b (1930, 1906): Elementary Mechanics Parts 1, 2, 3, & 4
* Volume #219 (1939): Steam Engines and Valve Gears
* Volume #222b (1931, 1930, 1929, 1906): Gearing-Cams, Pulleys and Belting
* Volume #223b (1930): Strength of Materials Part 1 & 2, Testing of Materials
* Volume #224b (1933): Machine Design Parts 1 & 2
* Volume #225b (1933): Machine Design Parts 3 & 4
* Volume #226b (1933): Machine Design Parts 5 & 6
* Volume #235 (1917, 1920, 1921, 1930): Formulas, Cube Root, Logarithms
* Volume #235b (1925 & 1921, 1920, 1938): Formulas, Cube Root, Logarithms.
* Volume #236 (1923):Geometry And Mensuration.
* Volume #237 (1902, 1921, 1929): Geometry and Trigonometry
* Volume #238B (1934, 1935): Elementary Architectural Drawing
* Volume #239 (1922, 1923): Architectural Drawing
* Volume #240B (1903, 1951): Perspective and Freehand Drawing
* Volume #244 (1939): Preliminaries, Excavating, Piling, Mortars.
* Volume #245 (1937): Building Stone-Foundations-Masonry
* Volume #246C (1938): Plastering And Architectural Terra Cotta
* Volume #247b (1940): Concrete Construction
* Volume #248B (1930): Plain And Fancy Brickwork
* Volume #249 (1936): Hollow Tile And Fireproofing
* Volume #249B (1919, 1943): Building-Unit Construction and Fireproofing
* Volume #253 (1937): Painting and Wood Finishing
* Volume #N255 (1939): The Slide Rule
* Volume #256B (1939): Roofing And Sheet-Metal Work
* Volume #257B (1931): Ornamental Metal Work
* Volume #266C (1939): Builders' Hardware
* Volume #267 (1936): Specification Writing
* Volume #268 (1948, 1951): Specification Writing Memoranda
* Volume #269B (1936): Estimating Building Costs
* Volume #271B (1939): Contracts For Building Operations
* Volume #273 (1907): Design Of Roof Trusses And Mill Buildings
* Volume #275b (1924): Civil Service Spelling, Penmanship, Reading Addresses, Civil Service Letter Writing, Geography, Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Journalizing and Business Statements, Copying and Correcting Manuscript
* Volume #276 (1929): Millwork
* Volume #289 (1945): Elements of Structural-Steel Drawings (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #290 (1925): Elements Of Timber and Concrete Drawings
* Volume #291 (1933, 1938): Elements of Algebra Parts 1, 2, 3, & 4
* Volume #295 (1922, 1924): Concrete Construction
* Volume #295D (1924, 1928, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1936): Plain- And Reinforced- Concrete Construction
* Volume #318 (1905, 1906, 1917, 1930 & 1931): Geometry and Logarithms
* Volume #319C (1941): Plain Trigonometry (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #326B (1906): Kinematics Pneumatics
* Volume #328 (1906): Foundations, Parts 1 & 2
* Volume #329 (1928, 1929): Earthwork and Retaining Walls
* Volume #333C (1934, 1939): Highway Location, Design, and Estimates
* Volume #334 (1907): Graphic Statics, Bridge Trusses
* Volume #336 (1907): Truss and Wooden Bridges, Trusses, Piers, Drawings
* Volume #348 (1921, 1927, 1929, 1934): Mechanical Principles
* Volume #348B (1943, 1943): Elements of Mechanics (Part 1 & 2 , Fluid Mechanics)
* Volume #349D (1945, 1935, 1946): Combustion Engine, Fuels, and Heat
* Volume #353C (1945, 1942, 1938): Aviation Engines - I (Parts 1-3)
* Volume #354E (1941 & 1938, 1940, 1943): Aviation Engines - II (Parts 1-3)
* Volume #355C (1943, 1940, 1942 & 1940): Aviation Engines - III (Parts 1-3)
* Volume #356 (1924): The Steam Engine
* Volume #357 (1924): Steam Boilers; Settings, Trials, and Design
* Volume #363 (1913): Gasoline Automobiles, Engines, Auxiliaries
* Volume #364 (1916): Electric Ignition
* Volume #365 (1924): Automobile Transmission, Mechanism, Lubrication, Tires
* Volume #366: (1944): Basic Inorganic, Basic Organic Chemistry
* Volume #367 (1924): Automobile Electric Starting and Lighting
* Volume #375 (1926, 1930, 1936): Qualitative Analysis (Parts 1-4)
* Volume #376 (1905, 1930): Quantitative Analysis - Book I (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #377 (1905, 1930, 1935): Quantitative Analysis - Book II (Parts 3-4)
* Volume #378 (1899, 1905, 1936): Quantitative Analysis - Book III (Parts 5-7)
* Volume #379 (1905, 1930): Quantitative Analysis - Book IV (Parts 8-9)
* Volume #383 (1943): Elements of Structural Design-II (Parts 3-4)
* Volume #394 (1925): Sciences Pertaining to Mechanics
* Volume #395 (1925): Steam, Steam Engines and Turbines
* Volume #416b (1937): Heat and Steam Generation
* Volume #531B (1937): Fundamentals of Advertising
* Volume #533B (1938): Writing of Copy
* Volume #534B (1936): Fundamentals of Type
* Volume #535 (1935): Engraving and Printing Methods (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #537B (1936, 1937) Mail-Order and Trade-Paper Advertising
* Volume #538B (1929, 1934, 1936): Advertising Law and Management
* Volume #539B (1936): Advertising Display (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #540B (1937): Advertisement Illustration (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #541B (1937): Retail Advertising (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #542B (1937): Department-Store Advertising (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #544B (1937): Direct Advertising, House Publications
* Volume #545B (1937): Management of General Campaigns (Parts 1-3)
* Volume #546B (1937, 1938): Advertising Layouts and Mediums
* Volume #547B (1918, 1929, 1935, 1937): Advertising Fields and Agencies
* Volume #548E: (1948, 1949): Electrical Measuring Devices
* Volume #549D: (1947, 1948, 1949, 1951): Practical Electrical Wiring
* Volume #550C: (1942): D.C. Armature and Field-Coil Repair
* Volume #551C: (1941, 1948): A-C Motor Repair and Rewinding
* Volume #552B: (1939): Storage Batteries
* Volume #565B (1931, 1937): Fundamentals of Window Display
* Volume #572C (1939): Automobile Transmissions
* Volume #602: (1937): Farm Wiring for Light and Power
As its name implies the I.T.C. published instruction papers, booklets, and textbooks for its subsidiary department the International Correspondence Schools. The textbook company and the International Correspondence Schools were dependent on each other from the beginning.
The Correspondence School started in 1891 as a Question and Answer column in the pages of the mining journal titled "Colliery Engineer and Metal Miner" published by Mr Foster. This column was a response to the in depth tests required of miners and inspectors by the "New" Pennsylvania Mine Safety Act of 1885.
The I.T.C. merged the Colliery Engineer School of Mines, School of Mines, Correspondence Schools, and the International Correspondence School as the International Correspondence Schools
International Correspondence Schools
International Correspondence Schools, also known as ICS Learn and ICS, is an educational institute established in 1890 that provides correspondence and distance learning courses...
of Scranton, PA under the new International Textbook Company.
Several Scranton correspondence schools had textbooks printed or published by I.T.C. as direct subsidiaries of the School The Institute of Business Science and as their own entities the Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts & Sciences.
Mr T.J. Foster's less than ethical business practices bankrupted the school and the book company. Philanthropic Scranton bankers and businessmen who saw the potential impact this school would have on their workforce and community reorganized it under receivership in 1905. Many men and women who didn't have the means for schooling past grade 8 in the first half of the 20th century can thank them for their vision. I.C.S. and other later schools such as The American School of Correspondence in Chicago, IL provided a way to gain practical knowledge that could better their earning potential without quitting work for 3–4 years.
The books in The International Library of Technology were published by I.T.C. These books were bound volumes of the course materials for the more than 240 courses offered. These books were used and made available in at least 184 Colleges (Including The U.S. Military Academy at West Point and Cornell University) and at least 649 Public Libraries.
The International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, PA was a pioneer in Post Secondary distance education. It was operated under that name from 1895 till bankruptcy in 1996.I.C.S. is in operation today as the Penn Foster Career School
Penn Foster Career School
Penn Foster Career School is a U.S. for-profit distance education vocational school. The school was founded in 1890, and was known as International Correspondence Schools, or ICS...
The American School of Correspondence
American School of Correspondence
The American School of Correspondence is a nationally accredited distance education high school founded in 1897. It is a pioneer in the field of home study. It has over two million graduates and annually serves about 40,000 students.-Program:...
in Chicago, IL is still in operation today as a non-public secondary school.
Selected bibliography
* Volume #1B (1903,1942) : Yarn, Cloth and Draft Calculations* Volume #5B (1921): Applied Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Machine Design
* Volume #6 (1905) : Twisting, Winding, Reeling and Bailing
* Volume #7B (1903,1941) : Cotton Warp Preparation
* Volume #8C (1905,1946) : Plain and Dobby Cotton Weaving
* Volume #9 (1905) fancy weaving and Cloth Rooms
* Volume #11D (1922): Geometry and Mensuration Electric Wiring and Bellwork Design of Beams Design of Columns Design of Roof Trusses Design of Plate Girders
* Volume #40B (1939, 1923): Modern Styles - Decorative Ornament
* Volume #41 (1928): Pen and Brush Lettering
* Volume #51 (1905): Materials, Beams, Girders, Columns, Graphic Analysis
* Volume #76 (1906): Cotton, Pickers, Cotton Cards, Drawing Rolls, Railway Heads And Drawing Frames, Combers, Fly Frames.
* Volume #77 (1906): Ring Frames, Cotton Mules, Twisters, Spoolers, Beam Warpers, Slashers, Chain Warping.
* Volume #78 (1906): Yarns, Cloth Rooms, Mill Engineering, Reeling And Baling, Winding.
* Volume #107 (1909): Reinforced Concrete Design and Practice, Specifications, Failures
* Volume #108 (1909): Cements, Concrete, Stone, Brick, Foundations
* Volume #109 (1909): Mechanics, Soils, Masonry, Retaining Walls, Arches
* Volume #114 (1942): Automobile Electric Starting Mechanism
* Volume #122D (1937): Automobile Carburation and Fuels
* Volume #123 (1939): Automobile Electric Ignition
* Volume #124C (1931 & 1942): Automobile Universal Joints - Steering Gears
* Volume #125C (1941): Automobile Friction Clutches
* Volume #126D (1937 & 1941): Automobile Lubrication - Cooling Equipment
* Volume #127C (1930 & 1937): Automobile Tires and Horns
* Volume #128D (1925 & 1938): Elements of Electric Ignition
* Volume #129 (1942): Ford Electric Equipment
* Volume #130D (1933, 1938 & 1940): Starting and Lighting - Lighting Devices
* Volume #131C (1930 & 1936): Automobile Electric Equipment - I
* Volume #132B (1930, 1935, 1936 & 1938): Automobile Electric Equipment - II
* Volume #134B (1930): Repair of Automobile Electric Equipment
* Volume #135 (1923, 1924 & 1936): Armature and Field-Coil Rewinding
* Volume #137 (1923): Storage-Battery Equipment - Troubles
* Volume #138B (1940 & 1941): Storage-Battery Testing and Charging
* Volume #139 (1940): Automobile-Engine Tune-Up
* Volume #141D (1929, 1935 & 1938): Automobile Valve Repair and Bench Work
* Volume #142 (1941): Automobile Generators and Regulators
* Volume #143C (1934 & 1938): Engine Troubles - Bearings and Shafts
* Volume #146 (1939) : Electricity and Magnetism
* Volume #150C(1937) : Rectifiers-Converters Motor Applications
* Volume #152D: (1942, 1946): Electric Illumination
* Volume #153D: (1939, 1944): Electric Heating
* Volume #159C: (1936, 1947, 1949): Fractional-Horsepower Motors
* Volume #160B: (1948): Science and Art of Illumination
* Volume #163 (1917) : Geometrical Drawing (Parts 1 and 2)
* Volume #164: (1941): AC Machines, Transformers, Rectifiers
* Volume #171 (1921): Drawing
* Volume #175C (1928 & 1939): Measuring Instruments
* Volume #175D (1928 & 1947): Measuring Instruments
* Volume #176 (1927): Drilling Machines and Practice
* Volume #177B (1926, 1934, 1935, 1936): Lathe Work I
* Volume #177C (1926, 1942 & 1943): Lathe Work I
* Volume #178B (1926 & 1932): Lathe Work II
* Volume #178C (1926 & 1942): Lathe Work II
* Volume #179C (1943 & 1944): Lathe Work III
* Volume #180 (1927): Planers and Planer Practice
* Volume #181C (1927 & 1943): Shapers, Slotters, and Boring Mills
* Volume #182 (1927 & 1944): Milling Machines and Equipment
* Volume #183 (1927 & 1942): Milling Machine Practice and Work
* Volume #184 (1927, 1933, 1934): Grinding Equipment and Practice
* Volume #184C (1941 & 1942): Grinding Equipment and Practice
* Volume #185 (1914, 1928, 1934): Gear Calculations and Cutting
* Volume #185B (1928 & 1942): Gear Calculations and Making
* Volume #186 (1927,1933, 1934): Bench Work (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #186B (1946 & 1947): Bench Work
* Volume #187 (1915 & 1928): Erecting
* Volume #189C (1935): Toolmaking (Parts 1-3)
* Volume #190C (1915, 1936): Gauges, Jigs, & Fixtures
* Volume #191C (1936): Dies and Die Making (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #193 (1941,1934,1928, (parts 1-3)
* Volume #204C (1927, 1935): Malleable Casting (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #205C (1935, 1936 & 1940): Shop Equipment - Hand Forging - Tool Dressing
* Volume #206B (1915, 1936): Tempering and Heat Treatment of Steel
* Volume #206C (1915, 1940 & 1947): Tempering and Heat Treatment of Steel
* Volume #N208 (1930, 1935): Machine Sketching
* Volume #209B (1927, 1932): Elements of Blueprint Reading
* Volume #211C (1940, 1942): Chemistry, And Materials Of Construction.
* Volume #212 (1927): Mechanical Drawing
* Volume #213 (1928): Advanced Mechanical Drawing
* Volume #214b (1932, 1928): Advanced Mechanical Drawing Part 2
* Volume #215b (1930, 1906): Elementary Mechanics Parts 1, 2, 3, & 4
* Volume #219 (1939): Steam Engines and Valve Gears
* Volume #222b (1931, 1930, 1929, 1906): Gearing-Cams, Pulleys and Belting
* Volume #223b (1930): Strength of Materials Part 1 & 2, Testing of Materials
* Volume #224b (1933): Machine Design Parts 1 & 2
* Volume #225b (1933): Machine Design Parts 3 & 4
* Volume #226b (1933): Machine Design Parts 5 & 6
* Volume #235 (1917, 1920, 1921, 1930): Formulas, Cube Root, Logarithms
* Volume #235b (1925 & 1921, 1920, 1938): Formulas, Cube Root, Logarithms.
* Volume #236 (1923):Geometry And Mensuration.
* Volume #237 (1902, 1921, 1929): Geometry and Trigonometry
* Volume #238B (1934, 1935): Elementary Architectural Drawing
* Volume #239 (1922, 1923): Architectural Drawing
* Volume #240B (1903, 1951): Perspective and Freehand Drawing
* Volume #244 (1939): Preliminaries, Excavating, Piling, Mortars.
* Volume #245 (1937): Building Stone-Foundations-Masonry
* Volume #246C (1938): Plastering And Architectural Terra Cotta
* Volume #247b (1940): Concrete Construction
* Volume #248B (1930): Plain And Fancy Brickwork
* Volume #249 (1936): Hollow Tile And Fireproofing
* Volume #249B (1919, 1943): Building-Unit Construction and Fireproofing
* Volume #253 (1937): Painting and Wood Finishing
* Volume #N255 (1939): The Slide Rule
* Volume #256B (1939): Roofing And Sheet-Metal Work
* Volume #257B (1931): Ornamental Metal Work
* Volume #266C (1939): Builders' Hardware
* Volume #267 (1936): Specification Writing
* Volume #268 (1948, 1951): Specification Writing Memoranda
* Volume #269B (1936): Estimating Building Costs
* Volume #271B (1939): Contracts For Building Operations
* Volume #273 (1907): Design Of Roof Trusses And Mill Buildings
* Volume #275b (1924): Civil Service Spelling, Penmanship, Reading Addresses, Civil Service Letter Writing, Geography, Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Journalizing and Business Statements, Copying and Correcting Manuscript
* Volume #276 (1929): Millwork
* Volume #289 (1945): Elements of Structural-Steel Drawings (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #290 (1925): Elements Of Timber and Concrete Drawings
* Volume #291 (1933, 1938): Elements of Algebra Parts 1, 2, 3, & 4
* Volume #295 (1922, 1924): Concrete Construction
* Volume #295D (1924, 1928, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1936): Plain- And Reinforced- Concrete Construction
* Volume #318 (1905, 1906, 1917, 1930 & 1931): Geometry and Logarithms
* Volume #319C (1941): Plain Trigonometry (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #326B (1906): Kinematics Pneumatics
* Volume #328 (1906): Foundations, Parts 1 & 2
* Volume #329 (1928, 1929): Earthwork and Retaining Walls
* Volume #333C (1934, 1939): Highway Location, Design, and Estimates
* Volume #334 (1907): Graphic Statics, Bridge Trusses
* Volume #336 (1907): Truss and Wooden Bridges, Trusses, Piers, Drawings
* Volume #348 (1921, 1927, 1929, 1934): Mechanical Principles
* Volume #348B (1943, 1943): Elements of Mechanics (Part 1 & 2 , Fluid Mechanics)
* Volume #349D (1945, 1935, 1946): Combustion Engine, Fuels, and Heat
* Volume #353C (1945, 1942, 1938): Aviation Engines - I (Parts 1-3)
* Volume #354E (1941 & 1938, 1940, 1943): Aviation Engines - II (Parts 1-3)
* Volume #355C (1943, 1940, 1942 & 1940): Aviation Engines - III (Parts 1-3)
* Volume #356 (1924): The Steam Engine
* Volume #357 (1924): Steam Boilers; Settings, Trials, and Design
* Volume #363 (1913): Gasoline Automobiles, Engines, Auxiliaries
* Volume #364 (1916): Electric Ignition
* Volume #365 (1924): Automobile Transmission, Mechanism, Lubrication, Tires
* Volume #366: (1944): Basic Inorganic, Basic Organic Chemistry
* Volume #367 (1924): Automobile Electric Starting and Lighting
* Volume #375 (1926, 1930, 1936): Qualitative Analysis (Parts 1-4)
* Volume #376 (1905, 1930): Quantitative Analysis - Book I (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #377 (1905, 1930, 1935): Quantitative Analysis - Book II (Parts 3-4)
* Volume #378 (1899, 1905, 1936): Quantitative Analysis - Book III (Parts 5-7)
* Volume #379 (1905, 1930): Quantitative Analysis - Book IV (Parts 8-9)
* Volume #383 (1943): Elements of Structural Design-II (Parts 3-4)
* Volume #394 (1925): Sciences Pertaining to Mechanics
* Volume #395 (1925): Steam, Steam Engines and Turbines
* Volume #416b (1937): Heat and Steam Generation
* Volume #531B (1937): Fundamentals of Advertising
* Volume #533B (1938): Writing of Copy
* Volume #534B (1936): Fundamentals of Type
* Volume #535 (1935): Engraving and Printing Methods (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #537B (1936, 1937) Mail-Order and Trade-Paper Advertising
* Volume #538B (1929, 1934, 1936): Advertising Law and Management
* Volume #539B (1936): Advertising Display (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #540B (1937): Advertisement Illustration (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #541B (1937): Retail Advertising (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #542B (1937): Department-Store Advertising (Parts 1-2)
* Volume #544B (1937): Direct Advertising, House Publications
* Volume #545B (1937): Management of General Campaigns (Parts 1-3)
* Volume #546B (1937, 1938): Advertising Layouts and Mediums
* Volume #547B (1918, 1929, 1935, 1937): Advertising Fields and Agencies
* Volume #548E: (1948, 1949): Electrical Measuring Devices
* Volume #549D: (1947, 1948, 1949, 1951): Practical Electrical Wiring
* Volume #550C: (1942): D.C. Armature and Field-Coil Repair
* Volume #551C: (1941, 1948): A-C Motor Repair and Rewinding
* Volume #552B: (1939): Storage Batteries
* Volume #565B (1931, 1937): Fundamentals of Window Display
* Volume #572C (1939): Automobile Transmissions
* Volume #602: (1937): Farm Wiring for Light and Power