International Extension College
More commonly referred to as the IEC, the International Extension College is a defunct non-profit organization that was based in Cambridge
The city of Cambridge is a university town and the administrative centre of the county of Cambridgeshire, England. It lies in East Anglia about north of London. Cambridge is at the heart of the high-technology centre known as Silicon Fen – a play on Silicon Valley and the fens surrounding the...

 in the UK
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

. Its primary aim was to help set up and manage distance learning educational initiatives in developing countries.

In the years since its inception, the IEC helped to set up many organizations, and often worked in partnership with a variety of others including NGO
Non-governmental organization
A non-governmental organization is a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any government. The term originated from the United Nations , and is normally used to refer to organizations that do not form part of the government and are...

s, educational establishments and governments. Some of the projects include:
  • The Women in Fishing Industry Project (WIFIP), working with fishing communities around Lake Victoria
    Lake Victoria
    Lake Victoria is one of the African Great Lakes. The lake was named for Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, by John Hanning Speke, the first European to discover this lake....

     in Kenya
    Kenya , officially known as the Republic of Kenya, is a country in East Africa that lies on the equator, with the Indian Ocean to its south-east...

    , using radio
    Radio is the transmission of signals through free space by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of visible light. Electromagnetic radiation travels by means of oscillating electromagnetic fields that pass through the air and the vacuum of space...

     education to improve health.
  • The Building Literacy in Sudan Project (BLSP), working with refugees in camps and settlements across Northern Sudan
    Sudan , officially the Republic of the Sudan , is a country in North Africa, sometimes considered part of the Middle East politically. It is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south, the Central African Republic to the...

  • The Building Capacity at Kyambogo University
    Kyambogo University
    Kyambogo University , is a public university in Uganda. It was established in 2001 as the third public university in Uganda.-Location:...

    Project, working towards improvements in teacher education in Uganda by providing access to quality teacher training.
  • Various other projects.

External links

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