International Association of Democratic Lawyers
International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) is an international organization of jurists' associations.
Subsidiaries and affiliated organizations
Local:- Bangladesh - Democratic Lawyers Association of Bangladesh (DLAB)
- Belgium - Progress Lawyers Network As of 2010 it has offices in offices in Antwerp and Brussels.
- Bulgaria - Union of Jurists in Bulgaria
- Cuba - Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba
- Finland - Suomen Demokraattiset Lakimiehet (Oikeuspoliittinen yhdistys Demla)
- France - Droit Solidarité
- Germany (West) - Vereinigung Demokratischer Juristen Deutschlands
- Italy - Giuristi Democratici
- India - All India Lawyers Union
- India - Indian Association of Lawyers
- Japan - Japanese Lawyers International Solidarity Association (JALISA) JALISA organizes activities in Okinawa and elsewhere that oppose the United States.
- Marocco - Association Marocaine des Droits Humains
- North Korea - Korean Democratic Lawyers Organisation
- Philippines - The National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL)
- United Kingdom - Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers
- United States - National Lawyers GuildNational Lawyers GuildThe National Lawyers Guild is an advocacy group in the United States "dedicated to the need for basic and progressive change in the structure of our political and economic system . ....
- Arab Lawyers Union
- American Association of Jurists
- Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
- European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights
- European Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights
- European Democratic LawyersEuropean Democratic LawyersEuropean Democratic Lawyers is an association of labor unions and lawyers of six European countries. It was founded founded in October 1987 as a confederation of lawyers' unions and gained its statutes adopted in Strasbourg, Germany on April 21, 1990 and was registered as an association at the...
. Its member organizations are:- Belgium - Le Syndicat des Avocats pour la Démocratie (S.A D.)
- France - Le Syndicat des Avocats de France (S.A.F.)
- Germany - Der Republikanische Anwältinnen und Anwälteverein (RAV)
- Italy - La Confederazione Nazionale Delle Associazioni Sindicali Forensi d 'Italia
- Italy - L'Iniziativa Democratica Forense (I.D.F.)
- Italy - Legal Team Italia ( L.T.I.)
- Netherlands - De Vereniging Sociale Advokatuur Nederland (VSAN)
- Spain - L 'Associació Catalana per a la Defensa dels Drets Humans (A.C.D.D.H)
- Spain - La Asociación Libre de Abogados (ALA)
- Spain - Euskal Herriko Abokatuen Elkartea (ESKUBIDEAK)