and started on 26 June 1956 with a session in the Grand Salon of the Belgian Foreign Ministry. The negotiations went on at the Castle of the Valley of the Duchess
in Auderghem
(Brussels) and would continue until March 1957. The conference was held to draft the Treaties establishing the European Economic Community
(EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom).
"I will die for the templar cause!" - Female Templar Paladin, Deus Ex: Invisible War.
I, Miko Miyazaki, Paladin of the Sapphire Guard, have come to vanquish you this morning. Rouse yourself from your half-asleep stupor and prepare yourself for battle. In the interest of a fair and proper fight, I demand you be fully awake before we attack. Don't forget to retrieve your weapons from their resting places. - Miko Miyazaki, The Order of the Stick".
You have not eaten your morning meal yet. It would be dishonorable to fight a foe who has not had the chance to load up on carbs. - Miko Miyazaki, The Order of the Stick.
Category:Fictional characters