Intensive stage
Intensive stage, or by its full name, predominantly intensive stage of accumulation pertains to one of the periodizations of capitalism, as proposed by Aglietta (1976). It is the second stage of capitalism: when the extensive stage
Extensive stage
Extensive stage, or by its full name, predominantly extensive stage of accumulation is pertains at one of the periodizations of capitalism, as proposed by Aglietta . It is the first stage of capitalism and thus in it there is plenty of room for the extension of capitalist relations of production,...

 becomes exhausted, expansion of (commodity
In economics, a commodity is the generic term for any marketable item produced to satisfy wants or needs. Economic commodities comprise goods and services....

) production is reduced to the increase in productivity of labour, or to the intensification of production.

The extensive stage reached its limits in England by the 1810s and after a lease of life through imperial expansion, definitively by 1860s; in Germany, by the 1880s; in the US, by 1920s (Aglietta,1976); in Brazil, by the 1970s. In contemporary capitalism (or Late capitalism
Late capitalism
"Late capitalism" is a term used by neo-Marxists to refer to capitalism from about 1945 onwards, with the implication that it is a historically limited stage rather than an eternal feature of all future human society. Postwar German sociologists needed a term to describe contemporary society...

) it is generalized over virtually the whole world economy and some see itself having reached its limits with the exhaustion of the post-war boom by the mid-1960s.

It is disputed whether the social organization—or mode of production—based on commodity production and wage labour, that is to say, capitalism
Capitalism is an economic system that became dominant in the Western world following the demise of feudalism. There is no consensus on the precise definition nor on how the term should be used as a historical category...

 itself, can make a transition from its present form to one in which the ever-increasing branch of services can be commodified.


Aglietta, Michel (1976) Régulation et crises du capitalisme Maspéro, Paris, A theory of capitalist regulation Verso, London

Mandel, Ernest (1958?) Late capitalism
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