Inner Wheel Club

Inner Wheel is an international organisation that is closely linked to Rotary
Rotary International
Rotary International is an organization of service clubs known as Rotary Clubs located all over the world. The stated purpose of the organization is to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help...
(Before year 1989, Rotary generally prohibited women as members. The change in the international organization occurred only after many years of debate and a case before the United States Supreme Court (for more information, see the relevant section of the Rotary International article). Even after the change, women today make up only a tenth of the club's membership. )
Another organisation was established for the wives and daughters of Rotarians, known as Inner Wheel. Despite women now being able to join Rotary, there are Inner Wheel Clubs in many countries.
The International Inner Wheel objectives are as follows:
- Promoting true friendship
- Encouraging the ideals of personal service
- Fostering international understanding
2005/6 theme: "Support Gives Strength"
2006/7 theme: "Show that you care through friendship and service"
2008/9 theme: "Realise your Visions and Make a Difference"
2009/10 theme: "HELP bring HOPE"
2010/11 theme: "Commit with conviction, compassion, consistency"
External links
- International Inner Wheel
- Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain & Ireland
- Inner Wheel Australia
Inner Wheel Districts
Inner Wheel Clubs
- Bhubaneswar
- Inner Wheel Club of Caloocan, Philippines
- Inner Wheel Club of Bandar Sunway, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Inner Wheel Club of Bandar Sunway, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ms Thana. M:- +6012 3342221. e:- thana25@ymail.com
Charter Night:- 29th May 2011.