Ingrid Newkirk
Animal rights
Animal rights, also known as animal liberation, is the idea that the most basic interests of non-human animals should be afforded the same consideration as the similar interests of human beings...
activist and president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an American animal rights organization based in Norfolk, Virginia, and led by Ingrid Newkirk, its international president. A non-profit corporation with 300 employees and two million members and supporters, it claims to be the largest animal rights...
(PETA), the world's largest animal rights organization. She is the author of several books, including Making Kind Choices (2005) and The PETA Practical Guide to Animal Rights - Simple Acts of Kindness to Help Animals in Trouble (2009).
Newkirk has worked for the animal protection movement since 1972.
When we build an attractive home, we raze land on which animals have already built their homes. They have nowhere to go.
Reason, June, 1990
Eating meat is primitive, barbaric, and arrogant.
Washington City Paper, 1985December 20
There is no hidden agenda. If anybody wonders about — what’s this with all these reforms — you can hear us clearly. Our goal is total animal liberation.
“Animal Rights 2002” convention, 2002June 30
Six million people died in concentration camps, but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughterhouses.
The Washington Post, 1983November 13