Infinit is a file system software that enables users to store, share and access their files in a safe way, from any Internet-connected device.
As detailed on the official website, Infinit aims at providing users the possibility to safely store their files no matter what happens to their computer through the following properties:- Durability: Files remain stored in the system until the owner decides to delete them.
- Availability: Infinit ensures files' availability as long as the files are stored in the system.
- Privacy: Users have a fine-grained control over who have access to their files. For every file and directory, the user can decide to give read and/or write access to specific users and groups. Furthermore, every file and directory is encrypted such that nobody but the authorised users can access it.
- Mobility: Users can access their files from any Internet-connected device being a computer, laptop, netbook, mobile phone, game console etc. as long as Infinit runs on it.
- Capacity: Infinit does not restrict users in any way when it comes to storing files. Indeed, no limitation is given regarding the files size or the number of files stored.
- Transparency: Infinit is completely integrated in the operating system such that users keep storing, browsing and accessing their files as usual except that those files are safely stored online.
- Anonymity: Users, through Infinit, are given some degree of anonymity especially regarding creation and access such that nobody can know what files a user is accessing.