Indirana leithii
Leith's Leaping Frog is a species of frog
found in the Western Ghats
of India.
From snout to vent 1.25 inches.
Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura , formerly referred to as Salientia . Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbed digits , protruding eyes and the absence of a tail...
found in the Western Ghats
Western Ghats
The Western Ghats, Western Ghauts or the Sahyādri is a mountain range along the western side of India. It runs north to south along the western edge of the Deccan Plateau, and separates the plateau from a narrow coastal plain along the Arabian Sea. The Western Ghats block rainfall to the Deccan...
of India.
Vomerine teeth in two oblique groups just behind the level of the choanae. A free, pointed papilla on the middle of the tongue. Head moderate; snout obtuse, with obtuse canthus rostralis and concM e loreal region; nostril nearer to the end of the snout than to the eye; interorbital space a little narrower than the upper eyelid• tympanum distinct, two thirds the diameter of the eye. Fingers moderate, first not extending quite as for as second; toes two-thirds webbed, the web reaching the disks of the third and fifth toes; tips of fingers and toes dilated into small but well-developed disks; subarticular tubercles moderate; a single, small, oval inner metatarsal tubercle; no tarsal fold. The tibio-tarsal articulation reaches halfway between the eye and the end of the snout. Skin of back with small scattered longitudinal warts; a strong fold from the eye to the shoulder. Brown above, with small dark spots; limbs with dark transverse bands; lower parts white, throat mottled with brown.From snout to vent 1.25 inches.