Incompetence is the inability to perform; lack of competence; ineptitude.
  • Administrative incompetence, dysfunctional administrative behaviors that hinder attainment of organization goals
  • Incompetence (book)
    Incompetence (book)
    Incompetence is a dystopian comedy novel by Red Dwarf co-creator Rob Grant, first published in 2003 with the tag line is "Bad is the new Good". It is a murder mystery and political thriller set in a near-future federal Europe where no-one can be "prejudiced from employment for reason of age, race,...

    , a novel by Red Dwarf co-creator Rob Grant
  • Military incompetence
    Military incompetence
    Military incompetence refers to incompetencies and failures of military organisations, whether through incompetent individuals or through a flawed institutional culture....

    , failures of members of the military
  • Incompetent person (legal)
    Cognitive dysfunction
    Cognitive dysfunction is defined as unusually poor mental function, associated with confusion, forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating...

    , person not of sound mind or mentally impaired, unable to make decision for himself or herself

See also

Examples of Administrative Incompetence, Northern Victorian Irrigation Renewal Project also Goulburn Murray Water see Ombudsman report into NVIRP
  • Darwin Awards
    Darwin Awards
    The Darwin Awards are a tongue-in-cheek honor, created by Wendy Northcutt to recognize individuals who contribute to human evolution by self-selecting themselves out of the gene pool through putting themselves in life-threatening situations...

    , a tongue-in-cheek "award" given to people whose incompetence results in their deaths or in some cases, loss of ability to reproduce.
  • Harlan's razor, an adage
    An adage is a short but memorable saying which holds some important fact of experience that is considered true by many people, or that has gained some credibility through its long use....

    : "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
  • Peter principle
    Peter Principle
    The Peter Principle states that "in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence", meaning that employees tend to be promoted until they reach a position at which they cannot work competently. It was formulated by Dr. Laurence J...

    , tendency for a person to rise to his or her level of incompetence
  • Dunning–Kruger effect, the tendency for incompetent people to grossly overestimate their skills
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