Ilče Pereski
Ilče Pereski is a Macedonian
Republic of Macedonia
Macedonia , officially the Republic of Macedonia , is a country located in the central Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe. It is one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, from which it declared independence in 1991...

Football (soccer)
Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball...

 who currently plays for NK Rovinj
NK Rovinj
NK Rovinj is a Croatian football club based in the town of Rovinj-External links:* at Nogometni magazin...

 in the Treća HNL
Treća HNL
The Croatian Third Football League is the third tier of the football league system in Croatia. The league was established in 1991 following the dissolution of the Yugoslav League. It is operated by the Croatian Football Federation.-Subdivisions:...

. He played for Persepolis during the 2004–05 Iran Pro League.