Illuminated World
Illuminated World Lidingö
Lidingö is an island in the inner Stockholm archipelago, located north east of central Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. It is also the seat of Lidingö Municipality, Stockholm County, Sweden with 44,000 inhabitants in 2011....

, is a Swedish
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

 publishing group best known for releasing Bible Illuminated: The Book. Composed of business executives and headed by Dag Söderberg and Jan Carlzon
Jan Carlzon
Jan Carlzon is a Swedish businessman. He is most noted for being Chief Executive Officer of SAS Group from 1981 - 1994.Jan Carlzon graduated with an MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics in 1967 and immediately started his career in the international hospitality industry at Vingresor. He rose...

, the group was formed to foster the Book’s production. Illuminated World has partnerships with both the American Bible Society
American Bible Society
The American Bible Society is an interconfessional, non-denominational, nonprofit organization, founded in 1816 in New York City, which publishes, distributes and translates the Bible and provides study aids and other tools to help people engage with the Bible.It is probably best known for its...

 and Midpoint Trade Books
Midpoint Trade Books, Inc.
Midpoint Trade Books, Inc. is a Sales, Marketing, and Distribution Company founded in 1996 by Eric Kampmann, Gail Kump, and Chris Bell. Located in the Chelsea area of New York City, Midpoint represents 275 publishers across the United States and in the United Kingdom...


Bible Illuminated: THE BOOK - Nya testamentet

In 2007, Illuminated World published Bible Illuminated: The Book, a two-volume glossy
Magazines, periodicals, glossies or serials are publications, generally published on a regular schedule, containing a variety of articles. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by pre-paid magazine subscriptions, or all three...

 release that combines a Swedish translation of the Bible with contemporary photographs in the format of a 300-page glossy magazine, Instead of the Swedish word "Boken", "The Book", English was chosen to sound more challenging and modern. The two volumes were subtitled "Gamla testamentet" and "Nya testamentet".

The publication was developed following a discussion of the Bible’s readership and accessibility; according to Söderberg, the group decided to reproduce both Testaments
Testaments is a collective term, largely used within Christianity, to describe both the Old Testament and the New Testament, of The Bible. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints uses this term to include the Book of Mormon as another volume of scripture which specifically testifies of...

 "in a magazine style with interesting images and running text instead of chapters, verses… a format most people are familiar with when reading news stories." The first run of Bible Illuminated: The Book increased bible sales in the mostly secular Sweden by nearly 50 percent.

Bible Illuminated: The Book (English edition)

The text of the Good News Translation
Good News Bible
The Good News Bible , also called the Good News Translation , is an English language translation of the Bible by the American Bible Society, first published as the New Testament under the name Good News for Modern Man in 1966...

 replaces the original Swedish in the English language version, which was published October 2008. Bible Illuminated: The Book and its author Dag Söderberg were featured on the June 4th, 2009 episode of The Colbert Report.

External links

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