Ike Bloom
Ike Bloom was an American businessman, cabaret and nightclub owner in Chicago, Illinois from the turn of the century
Turn of the century
Turn of the century, in its broadest sense, refers to the transition from one century to another. The term is most often used to indicate a non-specific time period either before or after the beginning of a century....

 and throughout Prohibition
Prohibition of alcohol, often referred to simply as prohibition, is the practice of prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, import, export, sale, and consumption of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. The term can also apply to the periods in the histories of the countries during which the...

. An early organized crime figure in Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...

, he was associate of "Big Jim" Colosimo
James Colosimo
Giacomo Colosimo , better known as Big Jim Colosimo, was an Italian-American Mafia crime boss who built a criminal empire in Chicago based on prostitution, gambling, and racketeering. Immigrating from Italy in 1895, he gained power through petty crime and the heading of a chain of brothels...

 and owner of some of the city's most popular nightclubs such as Midnight Forlics and Kreiberg's, a well known dance hall
Dance hall
Dance hall in its general meaning is a hall for dancing. From the earliest years of the twentieth century until the early 1960s, the dance hall was the popular forerunner of the discothèque or nightclub...

 in The Levee
The Levee
The Levee is a former red-light district in Chicago, Illinois, located near the intersection of Cermak Road and Michigan Avenue in the city's Near South Side...

 vice district. The Midnight Frolics was the club in which comedian Joe E. Lewis
Joe E. Lewis
Joe E. Lewis , born Joseph Klewan in New York City, was an American comedian and singer.-Biography:...

 first began his career in 1926.


Born Isaac Gitelson Bloom, he ran numerous social clubs after opening the popular Frieburg's Dance Hall in 1895. Although Freiburg's closed in 1914, it was later reopened during Prohibition and renamed Midnight Frolics among other speakeasies during Prohibition. Known as "King of the Brothels", he was involved in white slavery
Sexual slavery
Sexual slavery is when unwilling people are coerced into slavery for sexual exploitation. The incidence of sexual slavery by country has been studied and tabulated by UNESCO, with the cooperation of various international agencies...

 as well as prostitution as a partner with Colosimo and others in the Everleigh Club
Everleigh Club
The Everleigh Club was a high-class brothel which operated in Chicago, Illinois from February 1900 until October 1911. It was owned and operated by Ada and Minna Everleigh.-Opening of the Everleigh Club:...

 following its grand opening in 1911.

He and his brother-in-law Sol Friedman were ensured a monopoly on the sale of bulk whiskey in the Levee by Aldermen "Bathhouse" John Coughlin and Mike "Hinky Dink" Kenna
Michael Kenna
Michael "Hinky Dink" Kenna was one of the two aldermen elected in Chicago's First Ward, from 1897 to 1923.At the age of ten, Kenna left school and began selling newspapers. By the age of twelve, he had borrowed fifty dollars from a bar keeper and purchased a news stand at the corner of Monroe and...

 in exchange for making collections for the two Aldermen.

In 1920, the licences for his and Colosimo's restaurants were temporarily revoked during the fall elections by Mayor Thompson when it was discovered the two were supporting the Democratic nominee for the office of State's Attorney. Bloom refused to abide by the one o'clock closing time and was arrested later bringing an injunction against the city. Attorney's for Bloom and Colosimo successfully appealed the Mayor's decision.

Following Colosimo's death, he would give the eulogy at his funeral which was attended by more than 5,000 people. He would later become involved with John Torrio and Al Capone
Al Capone
Alphonse Gabriel "Al" Capone was an American gangster who led a Prohibition-era crime syndicate. The Chicago Outfit, which subsequently became known as the "Capones", was dedicated to smuggling and bootlegging liquor, and other illegal activities such as prostitution, in Chicago from the early...

, with Capone later owning 25% of the Midnight Frolics.

His club, the Deauville Cafe, was held up by two gunmen who escaped with over $2,000 and a diamond ring worth $1,000 on the afternoon of January 30, 1926. Although few were present during the robbery, Samuel Cole (then owner of the Southern and Astor Hotels) was one of the robbery victims.

Active in local politics, he eventually became head of the First Ward Democratic Organization before his death on December 15, 1930 following a two year illness.

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