Icy Spicy Leoncie

Icy Spicy's Roots

Also known as the Indian Princess and the Icelandic Madonna
Madonna (entertainer)
Madonna is an American singer-songwriter, actress and entrepreneur. Born in Bay City, Michigan, she moved to New York City in 1977 to pursue a career in modern dance. After performing in the music groups Breakfast Club and Emmy, she released her debut album in 1983...

, Icy Spicy Leoncie is an Icelandic musician who discovered her passion for music at the age of five when her father, a professional musician, began to teach her to read, write, and play classical and jazz music on the piano. As she grew older she expanded her musical horizons by learning to play the electric organ and singing in the Catholic churches of Goa.

Leoncie's Recording History

Leoncie's second album Story From Brooklyn was recorded in England, Iceland, and Prague throughout 1991 and 1992. Leoncie has also been featured in the title song of the Czech film "A Friend for Rainy Weather 2," going on to be featured on its soundtrack. The title song for the film was co-written with her friend and fellow musician Eddie Parma Jr.

External links

  • http://www.youtube.com/user/IcySpicyLeoncie
  • http://www.goa-world.com/goa/leoncie/
  • http://www.urlesque.com/2010/07/16/icy-spicy-leoncie/
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