Ichthyophonida is an order of parasitic protists.
Members of Ichthyophonida include- Abeoforma whisleri
- AmoebidiidaeAmoebidiidaeAmoebidiidae is a family or protists, previously thought to be zygomycete fungi belonging to the class Trichomycetes, but now considered to be members of the opisthokont protist group Mesomycetozoea. The family was originally called Amoebidiaceae, and considered the sole family of the fungal order...
- Amoebidium
- Paramoebidium
- Anurofeca richardsii
- Caullerya mesnili
- Creolimax fragantissima
- Eccrinaceae
- IchthyophonusIchthyophonusIchthyophonus is a genus of unicellular parasites of fish....
- Palavasciaceae
- Parataeniellaceae
- Pirum gemmata
- Psorospermium haeckeliPsorospermium haeckeliPsorospermium haeckeli is a parasitic species....
- Pseudoperkinsus tapetii - a parasite of clams
- Sphaeroforma artica - a parasite of amphipods