Ibn al-Wardi
Umar ibn Muzaffar ibn al-Wardi , known as Ibn al-Wardi, was an Arabic historian (d. 1348 AD.).

His Works

  • Kharidat al-'Aja'ib wa Faridat al-Ghara'ib . (The Pearl of Wonders and the Uniqueness of Things Strange). The work accompanied with a coloured world map and a picture of Ka'bah. It sums the geographical knowledge of the Arabic world of the time, referring to climate, terrain, fauna and flora, population, way of living, existing states and their governments in individual regions of the world. The author also speaks about Slavs and their lifestyle and mentions al-Mahdiyya as the residence of the Fatimid dynasty. Therefore, the book is older than the city of Kairo (founded in 969 C. E.). Al-Warda makes reference in his work to the book by al-Mas'udi.

  • Tarikh Ibn al-Wardi (The History by Ibn al-Wardi).
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