Ian Bird (software developer)
Ian Bird is a game programmer
Game programmer
A game programmer is a software engineer, programmer, or computer scientist who primarily develops codebase for video games or related software, such as game development tools. Game programming has many specialized disciplines all of which fall under the umbrella term of "game programmer"...

 and game designer. Along with other game credits, Bird wrote the computer games Millennium 2.2
Millennium 2.2
Millennium 2.2 is a resource management computer game by Ian Bird, released in 1989 for Atari ST, Amiga and DOS. The DOS version of the game was released as Millennium: Return to Earth...

and Deuteros
Deuteros: The Next Millennium is the sequel to the sci-fi strategy video game Millennium 2.2, published by Activision for the Amiga and Atari ST...



  • 1985
    1985 in video gaming
    -Notable releases:* Brøderbund releases Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, the first game of the prolific Carmen Sandiego series* Nintendo releases Super Mario Bros. on September 13, 1985, which eventually sells 40 million copies making it the best-selling video game of all time until 2008.*...

     - Theatre Europe
    Theatre Europe
    Theatre Europe is a game for the Amstrad CPC, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, MSX and ZX Spectrum home computers. It casts the player as either NATO or the countries of the Warsaw Pact...

  • 1989
    1989 in video gaming
    -Notable releases:* October 3, Brøderbund releases the Prince of Persia game, the first in a series of games, noted for its advancements in animation....

     - Millennium 2.2
    Millennium 2.2
    Millennium 2.2 is a resource management computer game by Ian Bird, released in 1989 for Atari ST, Amiga and DOS. The DOS version of the game was released as Millennium: Return to Earth...

  • 1991
    1991 in video gaming
    -Notable releases:*Microprose creates Civilization, Sid Meier's most successful game .*Electronic Arts releases James Pond 2 and Road Rash for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, starting a series of games that were popular in the 1990s....

     - Deuteros: The Next Millennium
    Deuteros: The Next Millennium is the sequel to the sci-fi strategy video game Millennium 2.2, published by Activision for the Amiga and Atari ST...

  • 1993
    1993 in video gaming
    -Events:*March — In Sweden, the Swedish video game magazine Super PLAY starts. The original name is Super Power.*Midway Games embroiled in controversy for its game Mortal Kombat from 1992 when the game is launched for video game consoles in 1993....

     - Campaign II
    Campaign II
    Campaign II is an action strategy 3D wargame released by Empire Interactive in . It is the sequel to Campaign.- Plot :The game is similar to its predecessor but features campaigns from the postwar era, including Korea, Six Day War, Yom Kippur, Vietnam, Iran-Iraq and the Gulf.- Gameplay :The player...

  • 1995
    1995 in video gaming
    -Events:*May 11 – Introduction of trade magazine GameWeek *May 11-16 — The 1st annual Electronic Entertainment Expo is held in Los Angeles, California...

     - Millennia: Altered Destinies
    Millennia: Altered Destinies
    Millennia: Altered Destinies is a PC game created by Take 2 Interactive in 1995. It casts the player as a human freighter captain who finds himself transported to an alien ship. There, an alien calling himself a Hood gives the player a mission to save the Echelon galaxy which is about to be taken...

  • 1998
    1998 in video gaming
    -Events:*Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences hosts 1st Annual Interactive Achievement Awards; inducts Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo to the AIAS Hall of Fame*British Academy of Film and Television Arts hosts the 1st annual BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards...

     - WarGames
  • 2000
    2000 in video gaming
    -Events:* May 11–13 — 6th annual Electronic Entertainment Expo ; the 3rd annual Game Critics Awards for the Best of E³* June 26 — International Game Developers Association renamed from Computer Game Developers Association...

     - Chicken Run
    Chicken Run (video game)
    Chicken Run is a stealth-based 3-D platformer based on the movie Chicken Run. The game is a loose parody of the famous The Great Escape movie, which is based in World War II.-Plot:...

  • 2001
    2001 in video gaming
    -Events:* Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences hosts the 4th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards; inducts John Carmack of id Software to the AIAS Hall of Fame...

     - The Mummy Returns
  • 2003
    2003 in video gaming
    -Events:*February 27 — Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences hosts 6th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards; inducts Yu Suzuki of Sega to the AIAS Hall of Fame....

     - Pac-Man World 3
    Pac-Man World 3
    is a video game that was released on November 15, 2005 in North America for PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, and PC. It is the third game in the Pac-Man World series. It also marks the 25th anniversary of the Pac-Man arcade game. This game features more...

External links

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