ICreate Software
iCreate Software is a business intelligence company based in Bangalore, India, and focused on products and services in the banking and financial services space. The company was founded in 2006 by Anup Pai, who has more than a decade's experience in providing IT solutions to the banking space. It is headquartered in Bangalore with offices in South Africa, Cyprus and Kuwait.

In January 2010, it raised Rs. 150 million (four times the typical amount for an early-stage company) in a first-round of venture capital funding from IDG Ventures
IDG Ventures
IDG Ventures is a global family of venture funds with approximately $6.8 billion under management. All of the funds were originally sole-source-funded by International Data Group.The first fund was created by IDG in 1996 and was located in San Francisco...

to augment their growth strategy by means of developing a global sales platform, increasing marketing efforts, and investment towards product development.

iCreate is currently focused on the emerging markets with clients in the Africa, Middle East, APAC and Europe regions and is looking to expand its focus to include more mature markets.

External links

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