Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Experiment
HEPEX is an international initiative bringing together hydrologists, meteorologists, researchers and endusers to develop advanced probabilistic hydrological forecast techniques for improved flood, drought and water management. HEPEX was launched in 2004 as an independent, cooperative international scientific activity. During the first meeting, the overarching goal was defined as
The applications of Hydrological ensemble predictions span across large spatio-temporal scales ranging from short-term and very localized predictions to global climate change modeling. Within the HEPEX community, information is shared through meetings and testbeds. HEPEX is currently co-chaired by NOAA and the European Commission Joint Research Centre. All documentation HEPEX can be found on the HEPEX webpage.
- “to develop and test procedures to produce reliable hydrological ensemble forecasts, and to demonstrate their utility in decision making related to the water, environmental and emergency management sectors.”
The applications of Hydrological ensemble predictions span across large spatio-temporal scales ranging from short-term and very localized predictions to global climate change modeling. Within the HEPEX community, information is shared through meetings and testbeds. HEPEX is currently co-chaired by NOAA and the European Commission Joint Research Centre. All documentation HEPEX can be found on the HEPEX webpage.