Husky Pass
Husky Pass is a pass between Lanterman Range
Lanterman Range
Lanterman Range is a mountain range about 35 nautical miles long and 12 nautical miles wide, forming the southwest part of the Bowers Mountains. It is bounded by the Rennick, Sledgers, Black and Canham Glaciers. Mapped by United States Geological Survey from surveys and U.S. Navy air photos,...

 and Molar Massif
Molar Massif
Molar Massif is a large mountain massif immediately east of Lanterman Range in the Bowers Mountains. Mapped by United States Geological Survey from ground surveys and U.S. Navy air photos, 1960-64. The descriptive name was applied by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names . When viewed in plan,...

 in the Bowers Mountains
Bowers Mountains
Bowers Mountains is a group of north-south trending mountains in Antarctica, about 145 km long and 56 km wide, bounded by the coast on the north and by the Rennick, Canham, Black and Lillie glaciers in other quadrants. The seaward end was first sighted in February 1911 from the Terra...

, located at the head of Sledgers Glacier
Sledgers Glacier
Sledgers Glacier is a long tributary glacier in the Bowers Mountains, draining northwest from Husky Pass and along the north flank of Lanterman Range to enter Rennick Glacier between Carnes Crag and Mount Gow...

 and an unnamed tributary, leading to Leap Year Glacier
Leap Year Glacier
Leap Year Glacier is a tributary glacier between Molar Massif and Mount Stirling in the Bowers Mountains, draining southeast into Black Glacier. So named by the northern party of New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition , 1963–64, as party members arrived here in the new year of 1964...

. Named by the New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition
New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition
The New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition describes a series of scientific explorations of the continent Antarctica. The expeditions were notably active in 1957-58 and again in 1958-59. The 1957-58 expedition went to the Ross Dependency and named the Borchgrevink Glacier...

 (NZGSAE), 1963–64, for the great efforts made here by dog teams in hauling out of the Rennick Glacier
Rennick Glacier
Rennick Glacier is broad glacier, nearly 200 miles long, which is one of the largest in Antarctica. It rises on the polar plateau westward of Mesa Range and is 20 to 30 miles wide, narrowing to 10 miles near the coast. It takes its name from Rennick Bay where the glacier reaches the sea. The...

 watershed into that of the Lillie Glacier
Lillie Glacier
Lillie Glacier is a large glacier, about 160 km long and 16 km wide, between Bowers Mountains on the west and Concord and Anare Mountains on the east, flowing to Ob' Bay on the coast and forming the Lillie Glacier Tongue. The glacier tongue was discovered by the British Antarctic Expedition,...

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