Hurricane Grill & Wings


Hurricane Grill & Wings is a franchised
Franchising is the practice of using another firm's successful business model. The word 'franchise' is of anglo-French derivation - from franc- meaning free, and is used both as a noun and as a verb....

 restaurant chain, best known for its menu, based primarily around hot wings and its signature sauces. The menu also includes burgers, and lunch items. Its parent company is Hurricane AMT, LLC.


Hurricane Grill & Wings was first opened by Chris Russo in April 1995 in Ft. Pierce, Florida. By January 2008 there were 30 locations in Florida, Georgia and Nevada. It was purchased by Fred Meltzer, president and CEO of the parent company of Hoffman's Chocolate Shoppes, in 2008.

Following the most recent franchisor acquisition, by Hurricane AMT, LLC on December 17, 2008, investor partners Gail Meyer Asarch, John C. Metz (Chairman and CEO), and Dean
Tendrich (Chief Marketing Officer), and company president Ken Adams undertook
plans to grow the chain from 30 locations in Florida to up to 40 units
nationwide - expanding in Florida, Michigan, New York and Ohio. Ten new
locations are currently under development.

In July 2009, Hurricane Grill & Wings named to Restaurant Business magazine's Future 50, a listing of the fastest growing chains with annual sales between $25 and $50 million.

Martin O'Dowd was appointed president of Hurricane AMT On September 2, 2009. Previously, O'Dowd was CEO of three public restaurant companies over the past 20 years. Most recently he served as president and CEO of Famous Dave's
Famous Dave's
Famous Dave's Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que, formerly Famous Dave's Bar-B-Que Shack, is a chain of southern-style barbecue restaurants serving pork ribs, chicken, and beef brisket. Dave Anderson, an Ojibwe who served as the head of the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs from 2004 to 2005, started the...

of America in Minneapolis, where he developed the organization from 18 units in the Midwest into an 84-unit national concept.
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