Hunted (Left Behind: The Kids)
Hunted is a novel written by Jerry B. Jenkins
Jerry B. Jenkins
Jerry Bruce Jenkins is an American novelist and biographer. He is best known as co-author of the Left Behind series of books with Tim LaHaye, Jenkins has written over 150 books, including romance novels, mysteries, and children's adventures, as well as non-fiction...

 and Tim LaHaye
Tim LaHaye
Timothy F. LaHaye is an American evangelical Christian minister, author, and speaker. He is best known for the Left Behind series of apocalyptic fiction, which he co-wrote with Jerry B. Jenkins. He has written over 50 books, both fiction and non-fiction.-Early life:LaHaye was born in Detroit,...

, who are both Christian
A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament...

 authors. Hunted covers titles 35-37 in the Left Behind: The Kids
Left Behind: The Kids
Left Behind: The Kids is a series written by Jerry B. Jenkins, Tim LaHaye, and Chris Fabry. It is about teenagers during the Rapture, with background plots from the adult series....

 series. It is also the eleventh novel in the twelve book series. It starts when cruel Bounty Hunters kidnap Judd Thompson Jr., Lionel Washington, and Tom Gowin, planning to bring them to the Global Community
Global Community
The Global Community is a the fictional world government/state described in the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. The Global Community was established as the successor of the United Nations by Nicolae Carpathia, the series' main antagonist.At its territorial peak, the GC...

 and receive a reward. The fearless Christians escape their kidnappers and flee to a nearby safe house. Judd and Lionel long to travel to Wisconsin
Wisconsin is a U.S. state located in the north-central United States and is part of the Midwest. It is bordered by Minnesota to the west, Iowa to the southwest, Illinois to the south, Lake Michigan to the east, Michigan to the northeast, and Lake Superior to the north. Wisconsin's capital is...

 and see their friends again, but the new Bounty Hunters looking for money stop them from going anywhere. Finally, they come up with a plan to travel to different safe houses on their way to Wisconsin, slowly getting closer to their friends.

Judd is excited that he is going to see Vicki Byrne again. He has always felt that they should be more than friends. He even wonders if he could get married, with only about a year before the return of Christ
Christ is the English term for the Greek meaning "the anointed one". It is a translation of the Hebrew , usually transliterated into English as Messiah or Mashiach...

. But when they climb down a rock face, and Judd accidentally makes a boulder fall, it crushes Lionel's left arm. He is stuck. After he stops the bleeding, Judd starts to run back to the safe house for help, leaving Lionel to wait. Lionel knows that if help does not come soon, he could die. After hours pass, and no help arrives, he takes matters into his own hands.

Back in Wisconsin, Cheryl Tiffane, a new believer, goes into labor after months of being pregnant. Vicki quickly calls a Christian doctor she knows but, to her horror, learns it will be a couple of hours before she arrives at their safe house. That leaves the people with Vicki to help Cheryl give birth. The doctor, Wanda, stays on the phone to walk her through it. When they are done, they gave the baby to Cheryl. Before going into labor, Cheryl agreed that she would give the baby to Tom and Josey Fogarty, since Cheryl was too young to care for a child. But as she spends more time with baby Ryan, she grows more attached to him. Then, she takes the baby in the night and leaves in a car. Will Vicki and her friends find her and bring her back to the safe house, or will she fall into a Bounty Hunter trap and endanger the whole group?

The people living in this part of the Tribulation watch prophesy after prophesy get fulfilled. Join Judd, Lionel, Vicki, and the others as they live the adventure during the earth's last days and witness the wrath of the dreaded Antichrist.
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