Hungary-United States Operational Mentor and Liaison Team
The Hungary
Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...

-United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 Operational Mentor and Liaison Team is a military advising unit that was created through partnership between the Hungarian Ground Forces and the Ohio Army National Guard
Ohio Army National Guard
The Ohio Army National Guard is a part of the United States National Guard and a reserve component of the United States Army. It is also a component of the organized militia of the state of Ohio, which also includes the Ohio Naval Militia, the Ohio Military Reserve and the Ohio Air National Guard...

. The partnership was borne out of the National Guard Bureau's State Partnership Program
State Partnership Program
The National Guard State Partnership Program was established in 1993 in response to the radically changed political-military situation following the collapse of Communism and the disintegration of the Soviet Union....

 and Hungary's partnership with the Ohio National Guard. Composed of varying numbers of Hungarian and United States soldiers, the OMLT deploys in six-to-seven-month rotations to Afghanistan
Afghanistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located in the centre of Asia, forming South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. With a population of about 29 million, it has an area of , making it the 42nd most populous and 41st largest nation in the world...

 as part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF
ISAF may refer to:* International Sailing Federation, the world governing body for Olympic and other competitive sailing.* International Security Assistance Force, the NATO-led security mission operating in Afghanistan since 2001....

), where it has the mission of mentoring, training, and combat advising an infantry kandak, or battalion
A battalion is a military unit of around 300–1,200 soldiers usually consisting of between two and seven companies and typically commanded by either a Lieutenant Colonel or a Colonel...

, of the Afghan National Army
Afghan National Army
The Afghan National Army is a service branch of the military of Afghanistan, which is currently trained by the coalition forces to ultimately take the role in land-based military operations in Afghanistan. , the Afghan National Army is divided into seven regional Corps. The strength of the Afghan...


From the Ohio National Guard
Ohio National Guard
The Ohio National Guard comprises:* Ohio Army National Guard* Ohio Air National Guard-External links:* compiled by the United States Army Center of Military History...

, the OMLT has been manned by Ohio combat-arms soldiers assigned or transferred to the 174th Air Defense Artillery Brigade. From the Hungarian Defense Forces
Military of Hungary
The Hungarian Defence Force is the national military of Hungary. It currently has two branches, the Hungarian Ground Force and the Hungarian Air Force....

(Magyar Honvédség), responsibility for manning the Hungarian portion of the OMLT has rotated between its infantry brigades.
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