Hugh O'Conor
Hugh O'Conor is an Irish
Republic of Ireland
Ireland , described as the Republic of Ireland , is a sovereign state in Europe occupying approximately five-sixths of the island of the same name. Its capital is Dublin. Ireland, which had a population of 4.58 million in 2011, is a constitutional republic governed as a parliamentary democracy,...

 actor. His first film appearance was opposite Liam Neeson in the 1985 movie Lamb. Currently, he has two upcoming projects: Finding Fate and Operation H²O.


Hugh Charles O'Conor was born April 19, 1975 in Dublin, Ireland
Republic of Ireland
Ireland , described as the Republic of Ireland , is a sovereign state in Europe occupying approximately five-sixths of the island of the same name. Its capital is Dublin. Ireland, which had a population of 4.58 million in 2011, is a constitutional republic governed as a parliamentary democracy,...

. His father is the concert pianist John O'Conor
John O'Conor
John O'Conor is an Irish pianist and pedagogue, and former director of the Royal Irish Academy of Music. He is frequently cited as the greatest living interpreter of the piano music of Beethoven, having recorded his entire repertoire, including the sonatas, concerti, and bagatelles...

. He has one younger brother, named Keith.

O'Conor studied at Trinity College
Trinity College, Dublin
Trinity College, Dublin , formally known as the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin, was founded in 1592 by letters patent from Queen Elizabeth I as the "mother of a university", Extracts from Letters Patent of Elizabeth I, 1592: "...we...found and...

 in Dublin, and received a scholarship to attend the NYU Film School.


Film and Television as Actor
Year Title Role Notes
1984 Jim Donovan Episode: "Oweneed the Sprat"
1985 Lamb
Lamb (film)
Lamb is a 1985 English drama film, directed by Colin Gregg and starring Liam Neeson, Hugh O'Conor and Ian Bannen. The film is based on the novel by Bernard MacLaverty, who also wrote the screenplay.-Plot:...

Owen Kane
1986 Rawhead Rex
Rawhead Rex (film)
Rawhead Rex is a 1986 Irish horror film directed by George Pavlou and written by Clive Barker. The film is about a monstrous pagan god's bloody rampage through the Irish countryside, and based on the short story by Clive Barker that originally appeared in vol. 3 of his Books of Blood series...

Robbie Hallenbeck
1988 Da
Da (film)
Da is a 1988 film directed by Matt Clark, produced by Julie Corman, and starring Martin Sheen, Barnard Hughes, reprising his Tony Award-winning Broadway performance, and William Hickey...

Boy Charlie
1989 My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown Young Christy Brown
1990 Icarus Jimmy
1991 Perfect Scoundrels Liam Episode: "The Carpetbaggers"
1993 Red Hot Yuri
1993 King Louis
1994 Words Upon the Window Pane
Words Upon the Window Pane
Words Upon the Window Pane is a 1994 Irish drama film and the directorial debut of Mary McGuckian. The film is based on William Butler Yeats' one-act play of the same name. Pat O'Connor was billed to direct the project but he personally offered McGuckian, who was writing the screenplay at the...

Cabin Boy
1995 Graham Young
1996 Paul
1997 Sawdust Tales Isaac
1998 30 Years to Life Vinnie Dawson TV movie
2000 Hotel Splendide
Hotel Splendide (film)
Hotel Splendide is a 2000 British independent dark comedy film, written and directed by Terence Gross and starring Toni Collette and Daniel Craig. The film appeared in a number of British and European film festivals but was not released in the US, although it did appear on cable networks on...

Stanley Smith
2000 Chocolat Pere Henri
2001 Submerged Jim McDonald TV movie
2002 Fergus's Wedding Sex Shop Assistant Episode: "1.3"
2002 Deathwatch Anthony Bradford
2003 Coney Island Baby
Coney Island Baby (film)
Coney Island Baby is a 2006 comedy-drama in which film producer Amy Hobby made her directorial debut. Karl Geary wrote the film and Tanya Ryno was the films producer. The music was composed by Ryan Shore. The film was shot in Sligo, Ireland which is known locally as "Coney Island".The film was...

2003 Il compagno americano
2003 Bloom
Bloom (film)
Bloom is a 2003 Irish film written and directed by Sean Walsh, based on the novel Ulysses by James Joyce. The film premiered at the 2003 Taormina Film Festival. Angeline Ball won the award for "Best Actress in a Film" at the Irish Film and Television Awards...

Stephen Dedalus
2004 Renegade Young Mike Blueberry
2005 Henry Cavendish
2005 George
2005 Showbands Karl TV movie
2006 Showbands II Karl TV movie
2007 Botched
-Plot:Richie Donovan works as a professional thief for Groznyi , a wealthy businessman, in order to pay off his debt for being smuggled into America as a child. He pulls off a successful diamond heist, but it is botched when he gets involved in two separate car accidents...

2007 Speed Dating James Van Der Bexton
2007 Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey (2007 TV drama)
Northanger Abbey, an adaptation of the classic Jane Austen novel of the same name, premiered on 25 March, 2007 on the United Kingdom channel ITV at 9pm, as part of their Jane Austen Season. The drama ran for 120 minutes in the UK, and 93 minutes without interruption in the United States...

James Morland TV movie
2007 Waiting for Dublin Twickers
2008 Flick
Flick (film)
Flick is a campy British horror film written and directed by David Howard, and starring Hugh O'Conor and Faye Dunaway. It had its theatrical release in 2008, and the DVD of the film was released in the United Kingdom on 19 October 2009...

Johnny 'Flick' Taylor\
2008 Summer of the Flying Saucer Father Burke
2008 10 Days to War
10 Days to War
10 Days to War was a series of eight short television dramas commissioned by Newsnight and broadcast on BBC Two between 10 March 2008 and 19 March 2008 to mark the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War...

Magoo Episode: "Our Business Is North"
2008 Detective
2008 Annoying Guy (voice)
2009 Wild Decembers
Wild Decembers
Wild Decembers is an Irish feature-length television drama series which broadcasted on RTÉ One on 29th December 2010. It stars the London-based Galway star of the popular RTÉ drama Single-Handed, Owen McDonnell, Matt Ryan and Lara Belmont...

2010 Your Bad Self
Your Bad Self
Your Bad Self is an Irish sketch comedy show which originally aired on RTÉ Two on December 26, 2008 at 21:40 before being developed into a series which aired in 2010.-History:...

Episode: "Pilot"
2010 Inspector Lewis
Inspector Lewis
Robert "Robbie" Lewis is a fictional character in the Inspector Morse crime novels by Colin Dexter. The "sidekick" to Morse, Lewis is a Detective Sergeant in the Thames Valley Police, and appears in all 13 Morse novels. In the television adaptation, Inspector Morse, he is played by Kevin Whately...

Father Jasper Episode: "The Dead of Winter"
2010 Killing Bono
Killing Bono
Killing Bono is a 2011 comedy film directed by Nick Hamm, based on Neil McCormick's 2003 memoir Killing Bono: I Was Bono's Doppelgänger....

Gary Post-production
2011 Reuniting the Rubins Yona Rubin
2011 Garrow's Law
Garrow's Law
Garrow's Law is a British period legal drama about the 18th-century lawyer William Garrow. The series debuted on 1 November 2009 on BBC One and BBC HD. A second series was announced on 7 July 2010 and aired from 14 November 2010...

Cathal Foley

Film and Television as Writer and Director
Year Title Notes
2010 Your Bad Self
Your Bad Self
Your Bad Self is an Irish sketch comedy show which originally aired on RTÉ Two on December 26, 2008 at 21:40 before being developed into a series which aired in 2010.-History:...

Writer, TV series
2009 Corduroy
2008 Spacemen Three
2001 Guilty of Love Also producer

External links

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