Howard Dayton
Howard Dayton was born on October 7, 1943, in Daytona Beach, Florida
Daytona Beach, Florida
Daytona Beach is a city in Volusia County, Florida, USA. According to 2008 U.S. Census Bureau estimates, the city has a population of 64,211. Daytona Beach is a principal city of the Deltona – Daytona Beach – Ormond Beach, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area, which the census bureau estimated had...

. After graduating from the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University
Cornell University
Cornell University is an Ivy League university located in Ithaca, New York, United States. It is a private land-grant university, receiving annual funding from the State of New York for certain educational missions...

 in 1967, he served two and
a half years as a naval officer. In 1969 Howard developed The Caboose, a successful railroad-themed restaurant, in Orlando, FL. In 1972 he began his commercial real estate development career, specializing in office development in central Florida.

In 1974, after a business partner challenged him to study the Scriptures
The Scriptures
The Scriptures was Christian Death's fifth album and is seen as an essay on comparative world religions. The liner notes state that the work is "a translation of world beliefs by Valor." The album, like Atrocities, is split into two acts, though later reissues would omit these subtitles...

 to discover what God
God is the English name given to a singular being in theistic and deistic religions who is either the sole deity in monotheism, or a single deity in polytheism....

 teaches about handling money, Howard's life profoundly changed. He felt that his God gave him a passion to share the life-changing principles he discovered, leading him to write four books: Your Money: Frustration or Freedom, Your Money Counts, Free and Clear, and Your Money Map, his latest.

Howard founded Crown Ministries in 1985 and developed an effective small-group financial study. Howard Dayton has served, without salary, as CEO of Crown Financial Ministries
Crown Financial Ministries
Crown Financial Ministries is a nondenominational, evangelical Christian ministry with the mission of equipping Christians around the world to learn, apply and teach financial principles which they claim are based on the Bible...

 since 1985, at which time he founded Crown Ministries in Longwood, FL. Crown Ministries merged with Larry Burkett
Larry Burkett
Larry Burkett was an American author and radio personality whose work focused on financial counseling from an evangelical Christian point of view. Burkett was born the fifth of eight children. After completing high school in Winter Garden, Florida, he entered the U.S...

's Christian Financial Concepts in September 2000 to form Crown Financial Ministries, the world's largest financial ministry. The vision of Crown Financial Ministries is to teach God's financial principles to 300 million people worldwide by 2015. Howard served as Crown's CEO until 2007, when he transitioned from that role to invest more time writing and speaking on behalf of Crown.

In 2009, Howard founded a new ministry called "Compass - Finances God's Way."

Howard and his wife, Beverley, have two adult children and reside in Gainesville, Georgia
Gainesville, Georgia
-Severe Weather:Gainesville sits on the very fringe of Tornado Alley, a region of the United States where severe weather is common. Supercell thunderstorms can sweep through any time between March and November, but are concentrated most in the spring...



  • Your Money: Frustration or Freedom
  • Your Money Counts
  • Free and Clear (Moody Publishers)
  • Your Money Map (Moody Publishers)

External links

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