HostLink Protocol
HostLink is Omron
is a Japanese electronics company based in Kyoto.Omron was established by Kazuma Tateishi in 1933 and incorporated in 1948. Omron's primary business is the manufacture and sale of automation components, equipment and systems, but it is generally known for medical equipment such as digital...

's protocol for communication over serial links. It is an ASCII
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange is a character-encoding scheme based on the ordering of the English alphabet. ASCII codes represent text in computers, communications equipment, and other devices that use text...

-based protocol generally used for communication over RS232 or RS422.The maximum message size allowed is 30 words per message. Larger messages can be sent by 'fragmentation
-In biology:* Fragmentation , a form of asexual reproduction* Fragmentation * Habitat fragmentation* Population fragmentation-Music:* Fragmented , the debut album from the Filipino independent band Up Dharma Down-Other:...

' process, where the same slave returns a series of messages to build up the entire response. PLC host computer can transfer procedures, and monitor PLC data area, and the control PLC using HostLink protocol.
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