Horny House of Horror
is a 2010 Japanese horror parody film directed and written by Jun Tsugita. The film is about three men, Nakazu (Yuya Ishikawa), Toshida (Wani Kansai) and Uno (Toushi Yanagi) who enter a brothel in Japan to allow Nakazu to have the experience paying for sex before his upcoming marriage. What the three men do not know is that the prostitutes plan to sexually torture the three men instead.

Tsugita created the film being a fan of western exploitation films and had a desire to make a parody of the film Motel Hell
Motel Hell
Motel Hell is a 1980 horror comedy film directed by Kevin Connor and starring Rory Calhoun as farmer, butcher, and meat entrepreneur Vincent Smith...

. In 2011, the film was shown at various film festivals around the world including the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival and the New York Asian Film Festival
New York Asian Film Festival
The New York Asian Film Festival was first held in 2002, growing out of the previous year's New York Korean Film Festival...



In Japan, Nakazu (Yuya Ishikawa) is about to get married to a woman who insists on keeping up with his daily events through a cellphone. His baseball fan friends Toshida (Wani Kansai) and Uno (Toushi Yanagi) feel that Nakazu needs one last thrill before tying the knot as they stumble upon a brothel called the Shogun Massage Parlor after a night of playing baseball. Toshida and Uno insist on entering into the brothel with Nakazu who has never paid for sex before. The three are presented before female buttocks that are displayed through holes in a wall to give them a taste of what the brothel has to offer. Each of the three men separate into rooms with their selected ladies of the night, Nagisa (Saori Hara
Saori Hara
is a former Japanese AV idol, model and actress who has also used the name .-Life and career:Saori Hara was born in Hiroshima Prefecture to a Japanese mother and a father of mixed German-Japanese parentage.-Mai Nanami:...

), Nonoko (Asami
Asami Sugiura
, who has also performed under the name is an award-winning Japanese model, actress and former AV Idol.-Life and career:Asami was born in Tokyo, Japan on September 19, 1985. At age 19, she appeared in the theatrical film , directed by Naoyuki Tomomatsu and released March 12, 2005 by TMC...

) and Kaori (Mint Suzuki). The trio of men are unaware of the brothel's mission to sexually torture customers.


Director and writer Jun Tsugita was a writer on Mutant Girls Squad
Mutant Girls Squad
is a Japanese film by Noboru Iguchi, Yoshihiro Nishimura and Tak Sakaguchi. The film is about Rin, a sixteen-year-old mutant girl who meets a gang of rebel mutants who aim to take revenge on humans for persecuting their race...

with director and friend Noboru Iguchi
Noboru Iguchi
is a Japanese film director, screenwriter and actor. He has worked as a director in adult video as well as in the horror and gore genres.-Life and career:Iguchi was born on June 28, 1969...

. Tsugita was a fan of western exploitation films, and desired to make a film in that style. He felt that there wasn't this style of film in Japan and he specifically desired to make a parody of the film Motel Hell
Motel Hell
Motel Hell is a 1980 horror comedy film directed by Kevin Connor and starring Rory Calhoun as farmer, butcher, and meat entrepreneur Vincent Smith...

. In Japan, the film is called Fashion Hell with an extra letter S. By adding the extra S the title becomes "Fashion health
Fashion health
', or health for short, is a form of massage parlor which circumvents Japanese anti-prostitution laws by offering a range of services that stop short of sexual intercourse....

" which is a Japanese name for a kind of whorehouse.

Tsugita cast pornographic actress Saori Hara
Saori Hara
is a former Japanese AV idol, model and actress who has also used the name .-Life and career:Saori Hara was born in Hiroshima Prefecture to a Japanese mother and a father of mixed German-Japanese parentage.-Mai Nanami:...

 who was known for her hardcore pornography films in Japan. Hara had begun appearing in more mainstream films in Japan and was casted by Tsugita because of her "sexy mood" which he felt was "perfect for this movie". While filming Horny House of Horror, Tsugita specifically kept in mind the foreign market outside of Japan, later tracking the film's reception by reading internet discussions.


Horny House of Horror had its international premiere at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival on April 15, 2011.
The North American premiere was at the New York Asian Film Festival
New York Asian Film Festival
The New York Asian Film Festival was first held in 2002, growing out of the previous year's New York Korean Film Festival...

 on July 1, 2011 where it was shown with the short film Dark on Dark. The film premiered in Canada at the Fantasia Festival
Fantasia Festival
Fantasia International Film Festival is a genre film festival that has been based mainly in Montreal since its founding in 1996...

 on July 29, 2011.


Variety (magazine)
Variety is an American weekly entertainment-trade magazine founded in New York City, New York, in 1905 by Sime Silverman. With the rise of the importance of the motion-picture industry, Daily Variety, a daily edition based in Los Angeles, California, was founded by Silverman in 1933. In 1998, the...

gave the film a mixed review, stating that Tsugita's film direction "feels rushed" and that the "production values are cheap" while saying that "Schlock-crazed fanboys everywhere will be engorged with excitement for the pic's ancillary release." Fangoria
Fangoria is an American magazine devoted to horror and exploitation films, which has a number of associated brands:* Fangoria Comics* Fangoria Films* Fangoria RadioFangoria may also refer to:* Fangoria , a Spanish electro pop band...

gave the film a rating of two and a half out of four, opining that the film "doesn't really break any new ground in the exploitation field".
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