Horemkhaef was an Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh...

ian local official who lived in the Second Intermediate Period. He had the titles first inspector of priests of Horus
Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in the Ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists...

 from Nekhen
Nekhen was the religious and political capital of Upper Egypt at the end of the Predynastic period...

and overseer of fields. Therefore, he was most likely the main priest at the local temple at Hierakonpolis where Horus was worshipped.

He is known from his tomb at Hierakonpolis. The rock cut tomb is small but is one of the few tombs of the period with a painted decoration in the chapel. In fron of the chapel was a courtyard where there was found a stela. The stela is now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a renowned art museum in New York City. Its permanent collection contains more than two million works, divided into nineteen curatorial departments. The main building, located on the eastern edge of Central Park along Manhattan's Museum Mile, is one of the...

 in New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...

 and reports the journey of Horemkhaef to Itjtawy
Itjtawy , is the as-yet unidentified location of the royal city founded by Twelfth Dynasty Egyptian King Amenemhat I during year 20 of his reign. It is located in the Faiyum region, and its cemeteries were located at Lisht, el-Lahun and Dahshur...

, the Middle Kingdom capital. There he receiced in front of the king a new cult image of Horus and his mother, most likely Isis
Isis or in original more likely Aset is a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the matron of nature and magic...


His tomb is small but has a painted decoration. In the tomb is depicted the draughtsman Sedjemnetjeru who was most likely the artist responsible for decorating the chapel.
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