Holmes Educational State Forest
Holmes Educational State Forest http://www.ncesf.org/HESF/
is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains. With rugged terrain, numerous rock outcroppings, and scenic vistas, it also offers a rich mixture of mountain hardwoods, rhododendron, flame azaleas, and a variety of wildflowers.
Unverified reference follows:
Previously, "Holmes State Park" built from acreage derived from court judgements which started in 1938 and ended in 1942 as per documents found at this link http://www.ncspo.com/fis/dbLandAsset.aspx?LandAssetID=4252&LandAsset_HistID=107&ComplexTypeID=1&CountyID=45&Complex=3&Chronology=Historical&ReturnLink*dbComplex.aspx!ComplexID*786 . "http://www.ncspo.com/fis/".
Article continues:
These features are accessible by a series of well-marked trails which are accented by exhibits and displays depicting the ecology of the managed forest.
North Carolina's system of Educational State Forests has been developed for use as an living outdoor class room.
Their purpose is to teach children and adults about the complex, interdependent ecosystems which make up a forest and which can be managed for a multitude of uses.
Ranger conducted classes http://www.ncesf.org/tg/tg2_main.htm
are available to groups of ten or more visiting the Forest. These classes have been designed to meet various science and social studies curriculum guidelines.
Instructor's activity packets and special study sites are available to assist teachers or other group leaders in using the Forest as an outdoor classroom.
In 2008/09 Rangers conducted over 200 classes for more than 3000 children and adults. Weddings, church groups and family reunions are welcome at the picnic shelters, which can be reserved in advance. Visitors in the thousands enjoy hiking, picnicking here every year. More details are available at this site, the Historic Hendersonville Visitors Information Center:
is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains. With rugged terrain, numerous rock outcroppings, and scenic vistas, it also offers a rich mixture of mountain hardwoods, rhododendron, flame azaleas, and a variety of wildflowers.
Unverified reference follows:
Previously, "Holmes State Park" built from acreage derived from court judgements which started in 1938 and ended in 1942 as per documents found at this link http://www.ncspo.com/fis/dbLandAsset.aspx?LandAssetID=4252&LandAsset_HistID=107&ComplexTypeID=1&CountyID=45&Complex=3&Chronology=Historical&ReturnLink*dbComplex.aspx!ComplexID*786 . "http://www.ncspo.com/fis/".
Article continues:
These features are accessible by a series of well-marked trails which are accented by exhibits and displays depicting the ecology of the managed forest.
North Carolina's system of Educational State Forests has been developed for use as an living outdoor class room.
Their purpose is to teach children and adults about the complex, interdependent ecosystems which make up a forest and which can be managed for a multitude of uses.
Ranger conducted classes http://www.ncesf.org/tg/tg2_main.htm
are available to groups of ten or more visiting the Forest. These classes have been designed to meet various science and social studies curriculum guidelines.
Instructor's activity packets and special study sites are available to assist teachers or other group leaders in using the Forest as an outdoor classroom.
In 2008/09 Rangers conducted over 200 classes for more than 3000 children and adults. Weddings, church groups and family reunions are welcome at the picnic shelters, which can be reserved in advance. Visitors in the thousands enjoy hiking, picnicking here every year. More details are available at this site, the Historic Hendersonville Visitors Information Center: