Hoadley is a surname
A surname is a name added to a given name and is part of a personal name. In many cases, a surname is a family name. Many dictionaries define "surname" as a synonym of "family name"...

, and may refer to:
  • Abel Hoadley
    Abel Hoadley
    Abel Hoadley was the inventor of the popular Australian confectionery bar, the Violet Crumble.He was born in Willingdon, Sussex, England, the son of Peter Hoadley and Elizabeth Ann Wheeler. Hoadley arrived in Australia in 1865...

     (1844-1918), confectioner
  • David Hoadley
    David Hoadley
    David Hoadley was an American architect who worked in New Haven and Middlesex counties in Connecticut.-Career:Born in Waterbury, Connecticut, the son of Lemuel and Urania Hoadley, he began as a carpenter and builder. He was a descendant of William Hoadley of Branford, Connecticut and a cousin of...

     (1774-1839), American architect
  • David Hoadley (businessman)
    David Hoadley (businessman)
    David Hoadley was an American businessman, and an executive in the banking and railroad industries. He is best known for taking over the Panama Railway in November 1851 as the company faced bankruptcy while attempting to build a railroad across the Isthmus of Panama...

     (1806-1873), American businessman
  • Charles Hoadley
    Charles Hoadley
    Charles Archibald Brookes Hoadley was an Australian geologist. He graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1911 with a degree in mining engineering, and was a member of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition led by Sir Douglas Mawson from 1911–14. Hoadley was a member of the Western Base Party...

     (1887-1947), Australian geologist, Antarctic explorer and Scout Leader.
  • R. Bruce Hoadley
    R. Bruce Hoadley
    R. Bruce Hoadley is a professor of Building Materials and Wood Technology in the Department of Natural Resources Conservation at theUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst...

    , professor
  • Rob Hoadley
    Rob Hoadley
    Rob Hoadley born 28 March 1980 in Hammersmith, London, England is a rugby union player released by London Wasps in 2008. Rob Hoadley's position of choice on the rugby pitch is as a centre. However, off the pitch, Rob plays darts at the Nelson Pub in Whitton, where he competes in the Monday Night...

     (born 1980), rugby player
  • Silas Hoadley
    Silas Hoadley
    Silas Hoadley was an American clockmaker.Hoadley was born in Bethany, Connecticut. Hoadley was a cousin of the architect and builder David Hoadley. He received little formal education before becoming apprentice carpenter to his uncle Calvin Hoadley...

     (1786-1870), American clockmaker
  • William James Hoadley 1854-1959) Minister Railroad Worker
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