Herman Hagen
Herman Anton Hagen was a Norwegian jurist.

He hailed from Molde
is a city and municipality in Møre og Romsdal county, Norway. It is part of the Romsdal region. The municipality is located on the Romsdal Peninsula, surrounding the Fannefjord and Moldefjord...

 and was a lawyer by occupation before entering the public sector. He was the chief administrative officer of Harstad
is the second largest city and municipality by population, in Troms county, Norway – the city is also the third largest in North Norway. Thus Harstad is the natural centre for its district. Situated approximately north of the Arctic Circle, the city celebrated its 100th anniversary in...

, then Sandnes
is a city and municipality in Rogaland county, Norway. It is part of the region of Jæren.-History:Sandnes was separated from Høyland as a municipality of its own in 1860, and gained city status the same year...

 municipality before being hired as the first chief executive officer of the Industrial Development Corporation of Norway
Industrial Development Corporation of Norway
The Industrial Development Corporation of Norway or SIVA is a Norwegian state enterprise responsible for government investment in incubators, science parks, industrial parks and real estate through partial ownership of 150 companies...

 in 1968. He remained here until his retirement in 1988. He moved back to Sandnes and lived here in his later life.

He was also a deputy board member of Strukturfinans.
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