Here Comes Santa Claus
"Here Comes Santa Claus" is a Christmas song written by Gene Autry
Gene Autry
Orvon Grover Autry , better known as Gene Autry, was an American performer who gained fame as The Singing Cowboy on the radio, in movies and on television for more than three decades beginning in the 1930s...

 and Oakley Haldeman
Oakley Haldeman
Oakley Haldeman was a songwriter , composer, author and the general manager for a music publisher...


Autry got the idea for the song after riding his horse in the 1946 Santa Claus Lane Parade in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles , with a population at the 2010 United States Census of 3,792,621, is the most populous city in California, USA and the second most populous in the United States, after New York City. It has an area of , and is located in Southern California...

, during which crowds of spectators chanted, "Here comes Santa Claus
Santa Claus
Santa Claus is a folklore figure in various cultures who distributes gifts to children, normally on Christmas Eve. Each name is a variation of Saint Nicholas, but refers to Santa Claus...

. This inspired him to write a song that Haldeman set to music. A demo recording was made by singer/guitarist Johnny Bond
Johnny Bond
Cyrus Whitfield Bond , known professionally as Johnny Bond, was a popular American country music entertainer of the 1940s through the 1960s.-Biography:...

, whose recording made use of ice cubes to mimic the sound of the jingling sleigh-bells.

Why is he tailing me all over town? Does he think I'm pretty or what?

I knew you gone sour, Ryan, but I didn't know you gone simple.

Her name wasn't really Sue Alabama... It was Sue something Greek and unpronounceable.

She primed him and I went in on the cleanup.

Sex was nearly all Sue Alabama ever needed, and she could use it the way some guys use a blackjack.

I can't figure him for a cannon. The only thing Pen Pal would ever use is the U.S. Mail... Extortion.
