Heidelberg University Faculty of Philosophy and History
The Faculty of Philosophy and History is one of twelve faculties at the University of Heidelberg. The present Faculty of Philosophy is the result of the amalgamation in 2002 of sectors of the former Faculties of History and Philosophy and of Oriental and Classical Studies. It is made up of three groups of subjects with common cultural, historical and geographical roots. It comprises 23 institutes and departments.

Department of Philosophy

Department of History

History was taught at Heidelberg for the first time by professor ordinarius historiarum Janus Gruterus († 1627). The first chair was established in 1807.

Institute of Chinese Studies

The Institute for Chinese Studies as part of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Heidelberg was established in 1962.

Department of Classical Studies

The Department of Classical Studies was founded in 1807 by Georg Friedrich Creuzer
Georg Friedrich Creuzer
Georg Friedrich Creuzer was a German philologist and archaeologist.He was born at Marburg, the son of a bookbinder...

Department of Ancient History and Epigraphics

The Department of Ancient History was established at the University of Heidelberg in 1887.
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