Head Gear Animation
Head Gear Animation was
founded in 1997 by creative partners Steve Angel and Julian Grey. Conceived as a small animation shop that provided clever alternatives to purely traditional animation or computer graphics. It has since evolved into a dynamic studio offering everything from stop-motion, 2D, cel and claymation to mixed media and live action.

Head Gear’s strength has always been its directors, who, with their disparate backgrounds and talents, continually push the boundaries of visual communication, offering fresh and unique approaches to their varied clients.

Head Gear has created work for a range of commercial and broadcast clients that include Coke, Nestle, Kraft, Ikea, Kellogg's, MTV, Nickelodeon, Discovery and the Sundance Channel. It has produced national campaigns (Pop Tarts, Pizza Hut, Excel), total network packages (Sundance Channel, Astral Media, PBS Kids) as well as short films (Nickelodeon) and PSAs (safe sex).

Head Gear produces work in all short formats and has garnered over 50 top awards at such prestigious competitions as The One Show, AICP, The London International Advertising Awards, ADCC, The BDAs, The Bessies, Mobius Applied Arts, Ottawa Animation Festival and the Holland Animation Festival.
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