Hashidate class gunboat
The Hashidate class gunboat was a class of two Imperial Japanese Navy
Imperial Japanese Navy
The Imperial Japanese Navy was the navy of the Empire of Japan from 1869 until 1947, when it was dissolved following Japan's constitutional renunciation of the use of force as a means of settling international disputes...

 gunboats which served during World War II. The class consisted of 2 vessels, Hashidate
Japanese gunboat Hashidate
was the lead vessel in the gunboats in the Imperial Japanese Navy, that operated in China during the 1940s.-History:Hashidate was authorized under the Maru-3 Naval Expansion Budget of 1937...

 and Uji
Japanese gunboat Uji (1940)
was the second and final vessel in the gunboats in the Imperial Japanese Navy, that operated in China during the 1940s.-History:Uji was authorized under the Maru-3 Naval Expansion Budget of 1937...

. During World War II the number of their AA guns was increased and they were also equipped with depth charges.
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